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KS2 YEAR4 Marwell Zoo By Natasha Cox Kim Evemy Laura Kilby Vanessa Macnauton.

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Presentation on theme: "KS2 YEAR4 Marwell Zoo By Natasha Cox Kim Evemy Laura Kilby Vanessa Macnauton."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS2 YEAR4 Marwell Zoo By Natasha Cox Kim Evemy Laura Kilby Vanessa Macnauton

2 Why Marwell Zoo? Marwell Zoo is exciting and engaging, with vast learning potential. Literacy focused with links to Science and PSHE. Visiting the zoo will provide children with context based learning in a creative and engaging environment. Existing knowledge can be applied and enriched.

3 Cross Curricular Links To enhance learning. Make connections in meaningful ways. Consider relevance. Identify development of specific skills such as communication, problem-solving and collaborative working. Being selective about links made.

4 Structure We have decided to place the trip between two lessons (2/3). This will enable the children to apply their learning from previous lesson thus building on existing knowledge to further enrich their learning experience.

5 Prior to Zoo Visit: Lesson 1 Task- Children research the natural habitation of a few animals- using the internet and books. Children are reading information and writing a description of the animals natural environment. Feedback their findings to the class. English: En1-10c, En2-2a,b,c,d, 3a-c, 3f,g, 5a,b, and 9a,b,c. This has cross-curricular links with Science National Curriculum: 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f as well as ICT: 1a

6 Plenary Individual piece of reflective writing showing clearly their views on keeping animals in a zoo (for or against). Preparation for future lesson. Encourage the children to identify their opinions of keeping animals in the zoo.

7 At the Zoo: Lesson 2 Previous research of zoo animals will enable the children to compare and contrast natural habitats with replicated zoo habitats. Similarities and differences will be listed for future lesson and learning. Links to Science National Curriculum: 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f and Geography NC: 5b and 6e. At the zoo all children will attend a workshop managed by trained zoo staff on conservation and environmental issues/concerns.

8 Preparation for future lesson. Have the children changed their original thoughts and views on keeping animals in a zoo after their visit to Marwell? Plenary

9 After the Zoo: Lesson 3 Whole class debate. Children to identify where they stand on whether zoos are a good idea. Class split into two groups:- For or Against. Children should discuss and plan within their groups sharing views and ideas. Debate. Many English National Curriculum standards met, i.e. Debating: speaking and listening. NationalCurriculum links: PHSE 1a, 2a English –En1, 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5, 6a, 6c, 8c, 9a, 9b. En2 4c

10 Assessment Opportunities What will be assessed: Children’s written work. Discussion and collaboration between children. The debate.

11 Thank you for listening

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