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What is a Hypothesis? Objectives 100S.SI.1.C. Create a testable hypothesis. 100S.SI.1.H. Determine whether experimental results support or refute a hypothesis.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Hypothesis? Objectives 100S.SI.1.C. Create a testable hypothesis. 100S.SI.1.H. Determine whether experimental results support or refute a hypothesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Hypothesis? Objectives 100S.SI.1.C. Create a testable hypothesis. 100S.SI.1.H. Determine whether experimental results support or refute a hypothesis Agenda IN: Just Write! THROUGH: Hypotheses Notes OUT: Labeling Parts of a Hypothesis DEMO: Three-Hole Bottle PRACTICE: Partner Practice ASSESSMENT: Exit Ticket Notebook Title: Scientific Questions and Hypotheses Date: 2/25/13 Pages:

2 In: Just Write! What kinds of questions do you believe that scientists try to answer in their work? Give examples of some questions. Are there any questions that science CANNOT solve? (5 lines minimum)

3 Scientific Questions concern phenomena that are: 1. Natural 2. Observable 3. Testable If you’re not “N.O.T.”, you’re not science!

4 C.F.U. Are these questions scientific (#1) or nonscientific (#2)? 1.Will green plants die without light? 2.Will walking under a ladder cause bad luck? 3.Are mosquitoes God’s way of punishing us? 4.Can magnetic fields prevent bees from navigating properly?

5 A hypothesis is a testable prediction or explanation of a phenomenon. 1. Should be research-based 2. DOES NOT have to be “correct” 3. IF…THEN…BECAUSE format ensures testability

6 – Hypotheses are either supported or refuted by experimental data. – They are never considered “correct” or “incorrect”. – All hypotheses are considered valuable by scientists because they may lead to further investigation.

7 100S.SI.1.C.3. Criteria for Success: Hypotheses A strong response will… Be in the IF…THEN … BECAUSE format Select a plausible independent variable in the IF… part of the hypothesis Select an observable dependent variable in the THEN… part of the hypothesis Demonstrate the hypothesis is based on a prior observation or knowledge in the BECAUSE part

8 IF (IV) THEN (DV) BECAUSE (Background Knowledge)

9 Output #1: Copy the hypothesis below. Circle the IV, put a box around the DV and underline the background knowledge. IF a strong magnetic field is put inside a beehive, THEN the bees will be unable to locate the hive, BECAUSE bees rely on natural magnetic fields to navigate.

10 Output #2: Copy the hypothesis below. Circle the IV, put a box around the DV and underline the background knowledge. IF a bright light is placed next to some radish plants, THEN the plants will grow toward the light source, BECAUSE closely related plants show this same tendency.


12 1.Why do scientists consider any hypothesis valuable? A.A hypothesis requires no further investigation. B.A hypothesis may lead to further investigation even if it is not supported by the results experiment. C.A hypothesis requires no further investigation if it is supported by the results of the experiment. 2. Write a hypothesis based on the following scenario: You noticed that after you put a plastic food container in the dishwasher, its lid no longer fits correctly. You think this is because the hot water melted the plastic container and changed the shape. You decide to conduct an experiment by placing 5 plastic containers in the dishwasher and running it using the heated cycle. Next, you place 5 containers in the dishwasher and run it using normal settings

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