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1 Sustainable Innovation. 2 Overview of this lecture Introduction: what is sustainable innovation? Practical information on the course Film: The Story.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sustainable Innovation. 2 Overview of this lecture Introduction: what is sustainable innovation? Practical information on the course Film: The Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sustainable Innovation

2 2 Overview of this lecture Introduction: what is sustainable innovation? Practical information on the course Film: The Story of Stuff Expectations, questions, discussion Information on the presentations (week 3 and 4), illustrated by means of an example: “meat”

3 3 Issues of sustainable innovation Sustainable: taking care of – environmental factors (e.g. climate, pollution, deforestation) –social factors (e.g. poverty, welfare, local development) Innovation: -new and creative ideas and solutions -new products, processes and markets

4 4 Definition of sustainable development: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED): Our Common Future (1987) (also known as the “Brundlandt report”)

5 5 Sometimes old ideas can inspire new ones…

6 6 Examples of sustainable Innovations Samsung Blue Earth phone void of harmful chemicals built from recycled water bottles works on a set of solar panels

7 7 super-thin e-book Release date still unknown…

8 8 The new IPAD of Apple, launched 27 jan 2010 Would you read a glossy magazine on this device?

9 Watch this… 9 Click here

10 10 Saving electricity…

11 11 Re-use, repair, recycle…

12 12 Take care of humans, animals, eco-systems…

13 13 Practical information Read the course manual on the internet: 13 x 2 hours of tuition Lectures combined with discussion and interaction Individual assignment (ecological footprint) 3 group presentations sustainable topic SI-model company strategy Written exam Attendance will be registered

14 14 People involved Dr. Saskia van Stroe-Biezen Dr. Ulrich Scholz (contact for IM) Dr. Ortrud Kamps Drs. Bart Titulaer (coordinator; contact IBE, FFM) ….and you!

15 15 Overview of the semester 1.Introduction 2.Film Age of Stupid 3.Presentations 4.Presentations 5.C2C and POM 6.The innovation process 7.Customer insight and idea generation 8.Corporate environmental management systems 9.Green Marketing 10.Guest lecture 11.FIHE – SI model 12.SI strategy of a company 13.SI strategy of a company

16 16 The urgency of sustainability On this site you also can find: A fact sheet A glossary Links to NGO’s Scripts: nal/pdfs/script_german.pdf nal/pdfs/script_german.pdf nal/pdfs/script_dutch.pdf nal/pdfs/script_dutch.pdf With subtitles DE or NL

17 17 Discussion and questions 1.In how far are the problems as urgent as ‘The Story of Stuff’ suggests? 2.What is your opinion on ‘The golden arrow’ of consumption. Do you think it influences your own behavior? 3.Do you know examples of the externalization of costs? 4.What do you expect of this course? What do you hope to learn or to discuss?

18 18 The presentation in week 3 and 4 1.Search for reliable sources 2.Search for telling photographs, statistics, cartoons, news items and video fragments 3.Take care of a transparent, attractive and logic structure 4.Do not try to do everything: take two or three telling examples.

19 19 Example: meat and sustainability What themes pop up unto your mind?

20 20 Statistics can tell a lot!

21 21 Pictures can tell a lot!

22 22 Comparisons can tell a lot! If everyone in the UK abstained from eating meat five days a week… this would save more than the emission reductions, which would be achieved if the total electricity use of all households in the UK was eliminated Source:

23 23 Video fragments can tell a lot! “Meat the truth” Trailer of the documentary made by the Dutch “Partij voor de dieren” (“party for the animals”)

24 24 Or take this one of Barack Obama… Barack Obama answers the question of a student who pleas for a vegan diet, and appears to be quite knowledgeable of the relation to world hunger, climate change, obesitas…

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