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DLESE Outreach Goals and audiences Overview of activities –Messages –Pilot Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "DLESE Outreach Goals and audiences Overview of activities –Messages –Pilot Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLESE Outreach Goals and audiences Overview of activities –Messages –Pilot Programs

2 DLESE Versions 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 V 1.0 V 2.0 V 3.0 Operational Library Quality collection 1000 recommended resources Teacher-friendly discovery Grade level Educational resource type Governance Established Early adopters 1000 sessions/month Enhanced Educational Features Reviewed collections Educational discovery services NSES & AAAS Benchmarks Geography standards Earth system vocabulary Community Community Center Peer Review Systems Formative evaluations Collections Library use Mainstream K-12 teachers & faculty 10000 sessions/month Geo-referencing & Data Thematic collections Personalized Collections Geo-referenced discovery Spatial & temporal Earth system events Data Metadata extensions Describing for discovery Linking data with tools Third party-generated Large-scale data collections Distributed Centers Robust review mechanisms Outreach & Diversity Summative Evaluation Extended to Students and Informal Learners 100000 sessions/month

3 General Goals Nurture strategic alliances Move from “depending on” community participation to “providing opportunities for” community participation Enhance the diversity of the library

4 Specific Goals Increase the number of DLESE use sessions Become a “reputation systems broker” Promote an Earth system science (ESS) approach Enhance the diversity of DLESE users and contributors Engage new users and contributors at various levels of participation Contribute to the reform of Earth science education by encouraging innovative interactions between and among DLESE users and contributors

5 Outreach Continuum AwarenessInterestFirst Use Regular Use ADVOCACY

6 Target Audiences Prospective Users –K20 teachers and students, informal educators, pre-service educators, librarians Current Users –Early adopters Contributors –national and state agencies, curriculum developers, publishers, informal education organizations, minority perspectives Partners –Librarians, teacher organizations, public radio and TV, ambassadors

7 New Activities Focus on K16 teachers who haven’t already heard of DLESE –New materials –Booth and workshops at Teacher Conferences Pilot Programs –Smaller scale, short-term efforts –Targets users with immediate needs –Evaluation to gauge effectiveness Ambassador Program

8 Focusing on K-16 Teachers Focus groups to investigate quality showed a natural division –K-4: prioritized age-appropriateness ability to be useful to beginning readers interactivity –5 th Grade and Up: prioritized scientific accuracy

9 Media and Messages A focus group of 5 th Grade and up teachers None had heard of DLESE or DL’s Conducted by an outside firm Asked to comment on –Messages –Images –Give-aways

10 2½ Resonant Messages Discover online resources about the Earth NSF association implies credibility Free

11 Messaging Results Discover (the ability to find something new) NSF, NASA, PBS (credibility) Tried/looked at by educators Reviewed Resources (online resources) Share Topics Wide range of learners (instead say K-16) High Quality Interaction Community (sounds like chat room) Selected (implies its better than other stuff) Collection Learners PositiveNegative

12 Visual Elements 1.A dynamic Earth event 2.Student/teacher interaction (all levels of students) 3.Students/teachers interacting with technology 4.Earth from space seems cliché

13 Freebies YES –Squishy Earth balls –Calendar (cool photos) –Magnets (with scenic pictures) –Printed lanyard with plastic clip and key ring –Book covers (cloth or spandex for student books) –Telescope (drawing to win) No –Mini-CD –Kaleidoscope –Bookmark –Twisty objects –8 ½” x 11” flyers What would you walk over to pick up?

14 Pilot Programs to develop and test a model for collections development that directly addresses issues of collection coherence and usability for specific user groups –tight connection between collections development and user needs –a pipeline for ongoing, supported, and seamless collections accessioning –rich services associated with resources and collections significant scaffolding for teacher use (e.g. teacher tips, enhanced metadata, district rewards)

15 Pilot Program Roles Partnership between DLESE, collection developers, and school districts –Collection developer aligns materials to specific school district needs –Collection developer internalizes DLESE best practices –School district rewards DLESE use (e.g. contribution of teaching tips) –DLESE and developer pipeline cataloging –DLESE develops district centered resources DLESE does targeted training and focused evaluation

16 Criteria for selecting school district partner A diverse population An immediate need for ESS resources Existing partnerships with DLESE community members High penetration of Internet access Curricular alignment with geo- education standards.

17 Criteria for collection development partner Material relevant to and usable by a specific user audience Capability to support internal cataloging High resource quality including alignment with ESS perspectives and use of sound pedagogy Makes unique and effective use of digital technology

18 A Pilot Program To develop “teacher boxes” or enriched collections Partners: –University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) –US Geological Survey (USGS) –California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) –West Contra Costa County –San Francisco Unified School Districts

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