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Argumentative Writing December 1, 2015. December 1, 2015 Day 2 (B) 1. Have a seat. 2. Put folder together. 3. Watch Video: Vocabulary for the unit. 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentative Writing December 1, 2015. December 1, 2015 Day 2 (B) 1. Have a seat. 2. Put folder together. 3. Watch Video: Vocabulary for the unit. 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentative Writing December 1, 2015

2 December 1, 2015 Day 2 (B) 1. Have a seat. 2. Put folder together. 3. Watch Video: Vocabulary for the unit. 4. Work on Packet: One section at a time. We will stop and check our answers together.

3 December 2, 2015 Day 3 (A) 1. Have a seat. Wait for instructions 2. Put folder together. 3. Watch Video: Vocabulary for the unit. 4. Work on Packet: One section at a time. We will stop and check our answers together.

4 December 3, 2015 Day 4(B) 1. Work on Vocabulary Packet: One section at a time. We will stop and check our answers together. 2. Types of Sentences Mini Lesson (if time)

5 December 4, 2015 Day 5(A) 1. Work on Vocabulary Packet: One section at a time. We will stop and check our answers together. 2. Types of Sentences Mini Lesson

6 December 7, 2015 Day 6(B) 1. Have folders out and go over vocabulary words. 2. Plickers 3. Go over vocabulary packets 4. Read Silently: I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

7 December 8, 2015 Day 1(A) 1. Have folders out and go over vocabulary words. 2. Plickers 3. Go over vocabulary packets 4. Read Silently: I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

8 December 9, 2015 Day 2(B) 1. In your folder: Type 1: In 67 secs; list as many topics as you can in which you can argue. 2. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 3. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

9 December 10, 2015 Day 3(A) 1. Hand in signed Progress Reports 2. In your folder: Type 1: In 67 secs; list as many topics as you can in which you can argue. 3. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 4. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

10 December 17, 2015 Day 2(B) (4 & 5) 1. In your folder (SKIP LINES): Type 2: Choose one of the topics on the first page of your argumentative essay writing notes packet. In essay form: State your position. Write three reasons why you believe this. Write one objection for each of your three reasons. 2. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 3. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

11 December 17, 2015 Day 2(B) (4 & 5) 1. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 2. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

12 December 17, 2015 Day 2(B) (6 & 8) 1. Propaganda PowerPoint 2. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

13 December 18, 2015 Day 3(A) 1. In your folder (SKIP LINES): Type 2: Choose one of the topics on the first page of your argumentative essay writing notes packet. In essay form: State your position. Write three reasons why you believe this. Write one objection for each of your three reasons. 2. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 3. Propaganda Techniques 4. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

14 December 18, 2015 Day 3(A) 1. In your folder (SKIP LINES): Type 2: Choose one of the topics on the first page of your argumentative essay writing notes packet. In essay form: State your position. Write one reasons why you believe this. Write one objection for your reason. 2. Argumentative Essay Writing PowerPoint 3. Propaganda Techniques 4. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

15 December 21, 2015 Day 4(B) 1. Complete Quizlet worksheet independently. 2. Propaganda PowerPoint 3. Homework: Study for Argumentative Quiz and watch genocide video on Edmodo and answer the questions. 4. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

16 December 22, 2015 Day 5(A) 1. Complete Quizlet worksheet independently. 2. Propaganda PowerPoint 3. Homework: Study for Argumentative Quiz and watch genocide video on Edmodo and answer the questions. 4. I am reading Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan; A holocaust story about a German musical family.

17 January 4, 2016 Day 1(A) 1. Bring me your study guide if you have it on paper. I will grade it while you are working on your type 2. 2. Type 2: Argue why your break was the best or worst. Include one reason and one counter-argument 3. Review with Plickers for quiz on Wednesday. We will take it in the computer lab. 4. Read silently or work on study guide. (You can not get extra credit. 5. The Psychology of Genocide will not be marked as late. But make sure you view it and answer the questions before January 7 th. You will be given a Type 2 quiz on Friday.

18 January 5, 2016 Day 2(B) 1. Bring me your study guide if you have it on paper. I will grade it while you are working on your type 2. 2. Type 2: Argue why your break was the best or worst. Include one reason and one counter-argument 3. Review with Plickers for quiz on Thursday. We will take it in the computer lab. 4. Read silently or work on study guide. (You can not get extra credit.) 5. The Psychology of Genocide will not be marked as late. But make sure you view it and answer the questions before January 11 th. You will be given a Type 2 quiz on Monday.

19 January 6 & 7, 2016 Day 3 (A) & 4(B) 1. Quiz on Argumentative Terms 2. No Red Ink: Sentences 3. The Psychology of Genocide will not be marked as late. But make sure you view it and answer the questions before January 11 th. You will be given a Type 2 quiz on Monday.

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