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DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet™ in OpenEdge® 10
John Sadd Engineering Fellow and OpenEdge Evangelist
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Temp-Table Parameters
Define a temp-table Based on a database table or not Populate the temp-table on the server One row or many Pass the temp-table as a parameter One parameter for each table Modify the temp-table on the client and pass it back These are basically the techniques available to you in V9 to pass data between client and AppServer. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Temp-Table Limitations
Separate table and parameter for each two-dimensional data definition Parent-child and other relationships need multiple parameters No standard mechanism to record changes DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
The direction Define a single core OpenEdge object to represent complex data relationships One handle, one parameter Associate validation and other business logic Built-in events Map directly to data objects on other platforms These are the basic goals of the ProDataSet DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet to ADO.NET DataSet
ProDataSet is an OpenEdge in-memory data store ProDataSet maps directly to an ADO.NET DataSet, allowing you to: Design a .NET™ interface in terms of .NET DataSets Pass data back and forth to OpenEdge AppServer™ ProDataSet also maps to Java™ SDO in OpenEdge 10.1A One basic goal is to provide a direct mapping between Progress and the .NET DataSet for developers requiring access to their Progress applications from .NET. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
A ProDataSet is made of Temp-Tables
Define temp-tables in the usual way DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttOrder /* fields from Order db table */ FIELD OrderTotal AS DECIMAL FIELD CustName LIKE Customer.Name FIELD RepName LIKE SalesRep.RepName. DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttOrderLine… DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttItem… The ProDataSet is composed of already familiar Progress objects, fundamentally the temp-table. So you define your temp-tables first. We will encourage you to define your temp-tables to represent the right internal view of your data, even when it is different from the physical database storage. You can define the mapping between the two and adjust that as you change data sources or improve your database design. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Define the DataSet Define the DataSet in terms of the temp-tables it combines DEFINE DATASET dsOrder FOR ttOrder, ttOline, ttItem DATA-RELATION OrderLine FOR ttOrder, ttOline RELATION-FIELDS (OrderNum, OrderNum) DATA-RELATION LineItem FOR ttOline, ttItem RELATION-FIELDS (ItemNum, ItemNum) REPOSITION. Then you define the DataSet in terms of those tables. The DataSet can be valuable even for data requiring only one table, because of the event support and other extended features of the DataSet as compared to a temp-table. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Data-Relations The Data-Relation defines the relationship between parent-child tables The Relation-Fields define fields in parent and child to use for selection …DATA-RELATION OrderLine FOR ttOrder, ttOline RELATION-FIELDS (OrderNum, OrderNum)… Relation-Fields are used to determine how to populate the DataSet by default They also tell OpenEdge how to navigate the DataSet by default When the business object requires multiple levels of data definition, DATA-RELATIONs define those relationships. As with every aspect of the DataSet, this provides powerful default behavior that you can extend or override where the relationship is more complex than a simple field mapping between tables. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Data-Sources tell OpenEdge where the data comes from
The Data-Source is a separate object from the ProDataSet Define a Data-Source for each temp-table buffer in the DataSet Each Data-Source can define database buffers or a query or both Data-Sources are separate objects so that they can be replaced, and so that the db definitions are not really part of the DataSet. The DataSet must be independent of any single data-source, both for flexibility and so that it can be passed as a parameter without db-specific definitions going along with it. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Populating a ProDataSet
Use the FILL method to populate the DataSet from the Data-Sources FILL on the DataSet fills every table starting with top-level buffers FILL on a buffer fills that table and its descendents FILL-MODE NO-FILL – skip this table EMPTY – empty the table first APPEND – add more records to the table MERGE – add recs & eliminate dups REPLACE – replace existing recs You can FILL the entire DataSet or a subset of it. You can disable Data-relations to further control this. You can also specify via FILL-MODE whether and how to fill each individual temp-table. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Populating with Data-Relations
…DATA-RELATION OrderLine FOR ttOrder, ttOline RELATION-FIELDS (OrderNum, OrderNum)… When a DataSet is populated, OpenEdge retrieves children of the current parent ProDataSet Order Data-Source OrderTT 6 1 01/05/ /19/ /10/93 Application Database When you are populating a DataSet (using the FILL method), Progress automatically interleaves reads of parent and child data when the Data-Relations describe the relationship. Again, there are events to let you intercept this to read your own set of records, filter data, etc. All the children for all the parents in the top-level query are retrieved. You can disable relations or fill at different levels to avoid filling all the data at once if that is too expensiv. Data-Relation OrderLineTT Order Data-Source DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Event Callback Procedures
You can define event procedures for: Before and After FILL of the ProDataSet Before and After FILL of any temp-table buffer Before and After FILL of any record Use ProDataSet events to prepare queries, attach Data-Sources, etc. Use Buffer events to manipulate the table Use Record events to populate calculated fields You can use these events when there is no Data-Source at all Callback procedures let you define code for many events on the DataSet. You could connect to a db in a BEFORE-FILL event on the DataSet. You could ATTACH a data source in the BEFORE-FILL event on a buffer and DETACH it in the AFTER-FILL event. You could filter records or calculate extra fields in the BEFORE/AFTER-RECORD-FILL event. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Dynamic ProDataSets Every element of a ProDataSet can be dynamic
CREATE DATASET ADD-BUFFER() ADD-RELATION() A Data-Source can also be dynamic: CREATE DATA-SOURCE And a DataSet can use dynamic temp-tables CREATE TEMP-TABLE Attributes and methods manipulate the DataSet through its handle There is a complete set of dynamic statements and methods for DataSets as for other objects such as queries and temp-tables. Attributes let you access the DataSet through its handle, and most operations on the DataSet (such as FILL) are implemented as methods on the handle. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Updating Through the ProDataSet
ProDataSet tables can have a companion before-image temp-table to record updates (add/change/delete) Used to pass changes to the server to be made in the Data-Source Maps to .NET and Java support for update versions FCS of 10.0A has support for keeping track of updates to the DataSet after it has been filled. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Before-Image Table for a DataSet
Original values for every modified record Initial values for every added record Original values for every deleted record ProDataSet OrderTT 6 1 01/05/ /19/ /10/93 This done using “shadow” temp-tables for each updated table that are created and maintained automatically and passed from client to server as part of the DataSet. Data-Relation OrderLineTT A M D Before-Table DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Saving Changes To The Database
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method for saving a row to the database Uses the before-table for optimistic locking Allows full control in the event of a conflict ERROR, ERROR-STRING, REJECTED, DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED attributes DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet demo… See demo notes for a more detailed description.
Most basic example of 4GL client using a dataset to read multi-table data and display. Same example but now a GUI version where data is displayed in fill-in and browse objects. Also, logic is applied to calculate the order total and to manipulate the item data. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet Overview Summary
Multi-level data object built from temp-tables and their relations Separate Data-Source to define the physical data Automated FILL and navigation support Update tracking within the ProDataSet Save support for writing updates back to the Data-Source DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Passing a ProDataSet as a Parameter
You can pass a DataSet parameter as: DATASET – static reference like TABLE DATASET-HANDLE – dynamic reference to the DataSet and its definition, like TABLE-HANDLE HANDLE – passes a simple DataSet handle to a local procedure Note! By default the DATASET and DATASET-HANDLE forms copy the ProDataSet contents DATASET parameter is similar to temp-table parameter set, NOTE the However! Bullet. This allows Progress to do the most efficient thing by default both for local and distributed calls, unless specifically told to copy the DataSet. This is different from temp-table parameters, which copy the temp-table when passed as TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Passing a ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE: Local to a single session
RUN OrderDset.p ON hSession (INPUT iOrderNum, OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder BY-REFERENCE). ProDataSet OrderTT 6 1 01/05/ /19/ /10/93 So when run locally, a procedure references the already existing DataSet passed in as a parameter. Parameter mode is effectively INPUT-OUTPUT. Always uses the caller’s instance /* OrderDset.p -- Test proc for Order Dataset */ {dsOrderTT.i} {dsOrder.i} DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER iOrderNum AS INTEGER. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER DATASET FOR dsOrder. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Remote DataSet Parameter BY-REFERENCE
AppServer RUN OrderDset.p ON hSession(INPUT iOrderNum, OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder BY-REFERENCE). /* OrderDset.p */ DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER DATASET FOR dsOrder. ProDataSet OrderTT 6 1 01/05/ /19/ /10/93 ProDataSet OrderTT 6 1 01/05/ /19/ /10/93 The same procedure call done remotely copies the definitions of all tables and relations, along with all the data, from server to client or vice-versa. Client DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Illustration of BY-REFERENCE call
Proc1.p Proc2.p holds data unused DEFINE DATASET dsRef… DEFINE DATASET dsRef… dsRef:FILL(). PROCEDURE fetchData: DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER FOR DATASET dsRef. dsRef:FILL(). END PROCEDURE. RUN fetchData IN hProc2 (OUTPUT DATASET dsRef BY-REFERENCE). Always the caller’s instance used Called procedure instantiates a ProDataSet that is never used References are redirected for the duration of that procedure call only DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
New options for parameters in 10.1A: Using ProDataSet for data caching
Proc1.p Proc2.p data cache Define DATASET dsRef REFERENCE-ONLY… unused Define DATASET dsRef… PROCEDURE bindData: DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER FOR DATASET dsRef BIND. END PROCEDURE. RUN bindData IN hProc2 (OUTPUT DATASET dsRef BIND) RUN fetchData IN hProc2. DISPLAY <dsRef fields>. PROCEDURE fetchData: dsRef:FILL(). ProDataSet – or temp-table – on one side of the call is REFERENCE-ONLY This tells OpenEdge not to instantiate it It is like an uninitialized handle until bound This new option can be used with BY-REFERENCE to eliminate the unused instance Use the BIND option on both sides of a single procedure call This binds references in the REFERENCE-ONLY side to the other definition for their lifetime No need to pass the DataSet again! ProDataSet – or temp-table – on one side of the call is defined REFERENCE-ONLY Use the BIND option on both sides of a single procedure call No need to pass the ProDataSet again! DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Summary of BY-REFERENCE and BIND
Use BY-REFERENCE to use the caller’s ProDataSet instance in the called procedure Use REFERENCE-ONLY for the unused instance Use BIND to identify called or caller procedure’s instance to use BIND is useful for data caching and separation of data management from user interface DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Batching in a distributed stateless environment
Client AppServer Database dsCustomer BATCH-SIZE QUERY CustBrowse APPEND BATCH-SIZE attribute for a buffer Maximum number of rows to FILL LAST-BATCH attribute signals end of data True when end of database query reached NEXT-ROWID for repositioning a query Set by OpenEdge at the end of a batch ROWID of the next row in the database table RESTART-ROWID Set by the application when requesting the next batch dsCustomer LAST-BATCH PROCEDURE offEnd: OFF-END event NEXT-ROWID PROCEDURE fetchCustomers: RUN fetchWhere ON hAppServer (OUTPUT DATASET dsCustomer) Procedure fetchWhere: DATASET dsCustomer:FILL() RESTART-ROWID APPEND) DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet events to support data batching
The goal is to make data retrieval with batching transparent OFF-END event for a ProDataSet query Occurs when a query goes off the end Occurs before Browse:OFF-END Occurs before Query:QUERY-OFF-END FIND-FAILED for a FIND on a buffer Use to respond to individual missing rows DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Sample code for batching
Set up an event handler for OFF-END QUERY CustBrowse:SET-CALLBACK(“OFF-END”, “OffEnd”). Define the event handler PROCEDURE OffEnd: DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER DATASET FOR dsCustomer. IF NOT BUFFER eCustomer:LAST-BATCH THEN DO: RUN fetchCustomers RETURN NO-APPLY. /* Cancel OFF-END */ END. END PROCEDURE. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Requesting a batch from the server
Make the request RUN fetchWhere ON hServer (INPUT “Customer”, INPUT iBatchSize, INPUT-OUTPUT rRestartRowid, INPUT cWhereString, OUTPUT DATASET dsCustomer APPEND). Handle the request for data on the server hCustBuffer:BATCH-SIZE = iBatchSize. hDataSource:RESTART-ROWID(1) = rRestartRowid. hCustQuery:QUERY-PREPARE(“FOR EACH Customer WHERE “ + cWhereString). DATASET dsCustomer:FILL(). IF hCustBuffer:LAST-BATCH = NO THEN rRestartRowid = hDataSource:NEXT-ROWID(1). DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Data batching demo… See demo notes for a more detailed description.
Most basic example of 4GL client using a dataset to read multi-table data and display. Same example but now a GUI version where data is displayed in fill-in and browse objects. Also, logic is applied to calculate the order total and to manipulate the item data. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Arguments to the methods can be expressions
Using new ABL syntax in OpenEdge 10.1A to mix dynamic and static references In OpenEdge 10.0: hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(“ttOrder”) hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(“ttOrder”):BUFFER-FIELD(“OrderNum”):BUFFER-VALUE hOrderBuf:BUFFER-FIELD(“OrderNum”):BUFFER-VALUE Arguments to the methods can be expressions 1 TO NUM-BUFFERS or NUM-FIELDS pcBufferName or pcFieldName Supports highly dynamic access to buffers, temp-tables, and ProDataSets DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
When to use a combination of dynamic and static
Sometimes you know the names of buffers within a ProDataSet or fields in a buffer But you may not know the exact ProDataSet or buffer definition The same logic may be used for multiple ProDataSets that share a buffer Or for multiple buffers that share some field hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(“ttOrder”) DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Providing known arguments to dynamic references in OpenEdge 10.1A
Instead of all this syntax: hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(“ttOrder”): BUFFER-FIELD(“OrderNum”):BUFFER-VALUE In 10.1A you can code just this: hDataSet::ttOrder::OrderNum Dynamic reference Literal value Etcetera… Double colon! DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Syntax variants hDataSet::ttOrder hDataSet::ttOrder::OrderNum
Yields the buffer handle for the temp-table ttOrder hDataSet::ttOrder::OrderNum Yields the field value for the field OrderNum in ttOrder Note the second ‘::’ because ttOrder yields a handle hBuffer::OrderNum Yields the field value for the field OrderNum Note that you get the BUFFER-FIELD value, not the field handle DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Why do you need literal references from handles?
PROCEDURE eItemAfterRowFill: DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER DATASET-HANDLE phDataSet. DEFINE VARIABLE cItemTypes AS CHAR INIT “BASEBALL,CROQUET,FISHING,FOOTBALL,GOLF,SKI,SWIM”. DO iType = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cItemTypes): cType = ENTRY(iType, cItemTypes). IF INDEX(phDataSet::eItem::ItemName, cType) NE 0 THEN phDataSet::eItem::ItemName = REPLACE(phDataSet::eItem::ItemName, cType, cType). END. END PROCEDURE. DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Summary of new double-colon syntax
Lets you code static references from a handle Use for business logic against variable ProDataSet and temp-table definitions Use with extended definitions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Why should you care about data as XML?
XML represents data in character format Hold data independent of a database Context or other data outside the DB XML is a standard data interchange format Web services and other integration XML for the Integration Layer of the Reference Architecture DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Converting between XML and ProDataSets
New ProDataSet (and temp-table) methods in OpenEdge 10.1A: READ-XML – takes XML source and loads it into a ProDataSet It can create the ProDataSet definition after a CREATE DATASET statement READ-XMLSCHEMA – creates or verifies XML Schema information WRITE-XML – creates XML stream from data WRITE-XMLSCHEMA – creates XML Schema information based on the data definition DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
WRITE-XML example writeOrder.p
DEFINE DATASET dsOrder FOR eOrder, eOrderLine DATA-RELATION OrderLine FOR eOrder, eOrderLine RELATION-FIELDS (OrderNum, OrderNum). hOrderBuf = DATASET dsOrder::eOrder. hOlineBuf = DATASET dsOrder::eOrderLine. hOrderBuf:ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE(DATA-SOURCE srcOrder:HANDLE, “Customer.Name,CustName”). hOlineBuf:ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE(DATA-SOURCE srcOline:HANDLE,””). QUERY OrderQuery:QUERY-PREPARE(“FOR EACH Order WHERE…). DATASET dsOrder:FILL(). DATASET dsOrder:WRITE-XML (“FILE”,”dsOrder.xml”, TRUE). DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
The resulting XML document
DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Summary of ProDataSet-to-XML support
Auto-convert ProDataSet or temp-table data to XML Optionally generate schema for it Auto-convert XML data into a temp-table or ProDataSet Optionally generate the definition from a dynamically CREATEd object DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
OpenEdge 10.1A User Endorsement
“The absolutely incredible power of XML to and from temp-tables and ProDataSets has increased my productivity at least one order of magnitude and has made the application incredibly more flexible .” Jeffrey Kodman , Manuvis DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Agenda Where we came from ProDataSet Overview
Using a ProDataSet as a data cache Batching data retrieval with ProDataSets Extending ProDataSet definitions Mapping ProDataSet data to XML Conclusions DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Summary – what did you just learn about?
How to build ProDataSets to express complex data, relations, and data sources How this maps to .NET and other platforms How to hold and manage updates using ProDataSets How to extend your logic with built-in events How to share ProDataSet instances How to handle data batching How to mix dynamic and static references How to use XML for integration DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Supporting materials available on PSDN
DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
In Conclusion… The ProDataSet is a key part of OpenEdge applications starting in OpenEdge 10 It is fundamental to our focus on helping you organize complex data definitions and business logic in the ABL …In conformance with the OpenEdge Reference Architecture The ProDataSet is a standards-conformant object that integrates with .NET, Sonic and Web services as part of a global Service-Oriented Architecture DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
Additional Resources Expert Series book: Using ProDataSets
Now available through! PSDN white paper on Using Advanced ProDataSet Language Features Part of a series on implementing the OERA PSDN “patterns” papers on topics I touched on today Two-day instructor-led or self-study course: Using ProDataSets OpenEdge online documentation **The whitepapers are currently in .pdf format only – they are not in the DynaWeb HTML doc set (yet). DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
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DEV-9: Using the ProDataSet in OpenEdge 10
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