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Open the envelope for mission objectives: Objectives: Follow the raid icons to get help for your mission; Investigate different varieties of bubbles to.

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Presentation on theme: "Open the envelope for mission objectives: Objectives: Follow the raid icons to get help for your mission; Investigate different varieties of bubbles to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open the envelope for mission objectives: Objectives: Follow the raid icons to get help for your mission; Investigate different varieties of bubbles to use in comics and graphic novels; Look at suitable dialogue to suit the bubble design; Create your comic page, using appropriate bubble designs.

2 Someone talking normally

3 Something loud and shocking

4 A garbled message from a computer

5 Someone thinking about something

6 An important newsflash

7 Oh Nooooh.. Jump!

8 I always knew he hated me

9 RP58 at your service, madam

10 What do you think? Shall we go?

11 A nuclear bomb has been seen on…

12 End mission: Using the ideas suggested by the RAID operatives, create the inside of your comic page, using characters and suitable bubbles. Try to use a variety of speech bubble to reflect what is happening. Create at least one original design for a bubble that has never been created (as far as you are aware) within your comic page.

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