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D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1.

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Presentation on theme: "D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

2 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Welcome to the… Rotary Leadership Institute Part 3: My Rotary Journey Pacific Northwest Division District 5060

3 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Anybody new?? Your name Your Rotary Club Your vocation Your position in Rotary

4 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Leadership Institute

5 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Programs of Rotary International Goals of the Session Provide an overview of RI’s structured programs. Discuss the benefits of a Global Networking Group to me? Discuss the program’s relation to Rotary’s goals and to a Rotarian’s Rotary experience

6 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 The Fourth Object of Rotary The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

7 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Youth Exchange Global Networking Groups Interact Rotaract Rotary Community Corps Rotary Friendship Exchange International Service (a.k.a. World Community Service)

8 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Interact A club for young people ages 12-18 who join together to tackle issues in their school or community. Interactors serve others, develop leadership skills, and make new friends. With their Rotary sponsors, interact clubs carry out a minimum of two service projects per year, one to help the community and another to promote international understanding.

9 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotaract A club for university students and young adults ages 18-30 in which young leaders connect to exchange ideas, serve their communities, and build lasting friendships. With Rotary clubs as sponsors, Rotaract clubs conduct hands-on service projects, help their members develop as young professionals, and connect with the vibrant global community of Rotaract.

10 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Youth Exchange Youth Exchange provides youth ages 15-19 an opportunity to visit or study in a country other than their own. There are two types of Youth Exchange: Long-term allow the student an academic year. Short-term allow the student to visit as little as a few weeks. ***Avg District: 5-7 per year ***D5060: >30 per year!

11 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Global Networking Groups Two Types: Rotarian Action Groups: (RAGs) Service-oriented Rotarian Fellowships:Vocational or Recreational

12 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Fellowships A Rotary Fellowship is a group of Rotarians who unite to pursue a common vocational or recreational interest in order to further friendship and fellowship. (RO-3)

13 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotarian Action Groups A Rotarian Action Group is an association of Rotarians who unite themselves to conduct international service projects that advance the Object of Rotary. (RO-4 & RO-5)

14 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

15 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Opportunities Goals of the Session Provide an overview of Rotary’s structured programs Discuss the benefits of a Global Networking Group to me? Discuss each program’s relation to Rotary’s goals and to a Rotarian’s Rotary experience

16 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Leadership Institute Effective Leadership Strategies

17 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Effective Leadership Strategies Goals of the Session Build on Insights into Leadership, Team Building and Club Communication in Parts I and II Improve our ability to lead and communicate in group settings Identify ways we can win support for our goals and proposals

18 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Effective Leadership Strategies

19 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Curiosity & Questions enable leaders to bring out the best in others! Effective Leadership Strategies

20 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Start with an activity (ELS-1, scenario 1), about: Asking Questions Facing Critics Keeping the team focused Motivating people… but first… Let’s discuss your strategy. Where do you start? Coalition? Effective Leadership Strategies Form groups, develop presentation for the board.

21 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Webster… Effective Leadership Strategies Coalition: a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action. Consensus: general agreement. Finding a solution “acceptable enough”! Not a unanimous vote, nor a majority.

22 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 VP Marvin Montrose.. Presentation to the board Effective Leadership Strategies

23 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Why do some people have “influence” and others not? What leadership characteristics can impede the success of a project? How can you avoid these? Should you?? Effective Leadership Strategies

24 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 A club in trouble… (ELS-1, Scenario 2) Take time to read the scenario… What, if any, are the clubs real problems? What leadership strategies can we apply? Effective Leadership Strategies

25 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Effective Leadership Strategies Goals of the Session Build on Insights into Leadership, Team Building and Club Communication in Parts I and II Improve our ability to lead and communicate in group settings Identify ways we can win support for our goals and proposals

26 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Leadership Institute International Service (Foundation III) An Important Step Towards World Peace!!

27 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Goals of the Session Understanding the Rotary Foundation & International Service Understanding your club’s opportunities in International Service Using Rotarian Action Groups Exploring ideas for International Service

28 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 The Fourth Object of Rotary “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.”

29 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 International Service… What is International Service? What does your club do? What are the opportunities? How can your District help?

30 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Ways to use Vocational Skills… Rotoplast mission Polio national immunization days VTT Travel for “Needs Assessment” RAG Travel to implement a project Keep club informed of project progress

31 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 5-minute video… Vocational skills in international service International Service What is it? Where do we find projects? What resources are available?

32 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Design a Service Project including: Refer to IS-1 Develop a Plan Develop a budget Prepare Flip Chart 2 Minute Report on your project

33 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 IS-2: Bringing it all together in International Service!!

34 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 International Service – TRF III Goals of the Session Understanding the Rotary Foundation & International Service Understanding your club’s opportunities in International Service Using Rotarian Action Groups Explore ideas for International Service

35 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

36 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Social Media Session Goals Examine benefits of website for me, my club, my district Define social media & list examples of how it is used by clubs Consider goals & audiences Explore tools & specific attributes A social media policy for Rotary Clubs

37 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 1) What is Social Media? Social media includes web-based & mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Enabled by accessible and scalable communication techniques, social media has substantially changed the way organizations, communities & individuals communicate. 2) How can we create & use Social Media tools? 3) What can websites do for you & your club? 4) What can social media do for you & your club?

38 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Exercise: Form groups, consider SM-1A & SM-1B 1 person to report

39 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

40 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Personal page, complete your “About” (like a LinkedIn Profile) Club Page: details, projects, time-line Add Pictures & Video (with caution!)

41 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Research Single Search: Multiple Streams: Publish Post from Twitter or phone Follow Listen Multiple Post:

42 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Personal: Complete your profile Club: Who we are! Invite Network, add a photo, join groups Applications… Presentations (SlideShare) Projects (FileShare)

43 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Similar to Journals with comments Link to LinkedIn & FB Mention in Twitter

44 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Create your own Share with other clubs Links on LinkedIn, FB, website Build your own “YouTube” Channel (see YouTube for directions) Promotion & PR

45 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Exercise: Back in same groups, you are a small club! Consider table SM-3 for your new mini-club.

46 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Social Media Goals of the Session Examine benefits of a website for me, my Club, my District Define Social Media & list examples of how it is used by Clubs Consider goals & audiences for social media Explore social media tools & specific attributes A social media policy for Rotary Clubs

47 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 It’s a part of Rotary International’s Strategic Plan… The 3 rd Pillar!

48 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Session Goals: Discuss Public Image and Publicity as it relates to Rotary and my members and clubs Explore how my club can benefit from a Public Relations Strategy Identify my club’s target audience and how we can effectively reach it RLI_PR_2014 2 of 27

49 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Brand… “an intangible asset that is often the most valuable asset on a corporation’s balance sheet”

50 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Outside Inside Public Image Public Relations Publicity Defining Public Image, Public Relations, & Publicity…

51 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 OutsideInside Public Image RLI_PR_2014 4 of 27

52 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 OutsideInside Public Relations RLI_PR_2014 5 of 27

53 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 OutsideInside Publicity

54 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Public Image and Public Relations Where do we begin? Building a case for support Scenario for a project Defining Publicity, Public Relations and Public Image Publicity…the activity of creating a good opinion among people Public Relations…relationship between an organization and the public Public Image…the ideas and opinions that the public has about an organization or individual

55 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

56 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Case Study: PIPR-1 Even # of groups, form a PR committee ½ target audience INTERNAL (members) ½ target audience EXTERNAL (public) PR campaign for your audience… Message? Methods? Notes on flip chart, report

57 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 ROTARY’S PUBLIC IMAGE (From 2007 RI Survey) In US, 30% of the public doesn’t know Rotary Only 17% define Rotary as a public service organization (Others: nonprofit organization, club for entertainment, organization for rich people, networking organization for members) Only 18% would give money to Rotary if they didn’t know a Rotarian (vs 52% if they did)

58 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 (from RI 2007 Survey)

59 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

60 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

61 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1

62 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Exercise: Take a few minutes and make a list of 4 or 5 things about your club, your members, your projects, etc, that would make good stories. RLI_PR_2014 18 of 27

63 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Does your club have a PR Chair? A committee? What are the steps in building a PR Campaign?

64 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Public Image and Public Relations Where do we begin? Building a case for support Scenario for a project When Developing a Club Media Plan Consider the Following….. GOALS -- What do you want to do? AUDIENCE -- Who do you want to reach? MESSAGE -- What do you want to say? MEDIA -- How do you want to say it? EVALUATION -- How will you measure results?

65 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Great Resource for Your Club

66 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 It isn’t always good news!

67 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Session Goals… Discuss Public Image and Publicity as it relates to Rotary and my members and clubs Explore how my club can benefit from a Public Relations Strategy Identify my club’s target audience and how we can effectively reach it For the good of Rotary, Tell Somebody About It! Public Image & Public Relations

68 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Building a Stronger Club

69 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Session Goals Explore how clubs can offer real personal value for their members Become familiar with some NOW action steps to build a stronger club

70 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 “Our organizational priority is, and must be, membership … without members, there would be no Rotary.” John Hewko, General Secretary of Rotary International Be a Vibrant Club …

71 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Local Impact Friends and Contacts Vocation - Value Me & My Work Leaders to Work With KEY POINTS from Siegel & Gale

72 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Retention …. Keep ‘em The Joliet Club has 100% Retention

73 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Five Steps to Retention Orientation Induction (make it personal) Friends ( #1 reason for staying) Involvement opportunities Add Rotary knowledge

74 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 “I need to join that Rotary club” Is our Club… Attractive…Relevant?

75 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 The Ask / The Answer Website, Facebook+ The First Impression Three Steps to Attraction

76 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 What is Rotary? >> The Answer It’s a leadership organization… We’re made up of local business, professional and civic leaders. We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, & through that, we’re able to get things done in this community.

77 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Information >> The Website Does the website reflect what you tell prospective new members?

78 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 The First Impression He/she is probably thinking --- “Do I really need to join this club?”

79 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 1.Welcome 2.Communications 3.Classifications 4.Rotary Basics 5.Club Service 6.Vocational Service 7.Community Service 8.International Service 9.Youth Service 10.Our Foundation 11.Attendance 12.Sponsoring 12 Letter Topics

80 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 NO answers What are we going to do about it? Survey Results

81 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Building a Stronger Club Session Goals Explore how clubs can offer real personal value for their members Become familiar with some NOW action steps to build a stronger club

82 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Leadership Institute

83 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Making a Difference!

84 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Making a Difference!

85 D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 3 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Rotary Leadership Institute

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