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CSCI 383 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Lecture 19 Martin van Bommel.

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1 CSCI 383 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Lecture 19 Martin van Bommel

2 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 2 Inheritance as Classification In one way, the is-a relationship is a form of classification E.g., A TextFile is a type of File so class TextFile inherits from class File File TextFile

3 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 3 Inheritance as Classification But in the real world, most objects can be categorized in a variety of ways. A person can be a Male Professor Parent None of these are proper subsets of the other, Cannot make a single rooted inheritance hierarchy out of them

4 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 4 Inheritance as Combination Instead, real world objects are combinations of many nonoverlapping categories, each category contributing something to the result Note that we have not lost the is-a relationship; it still applies in each case MaleProfessor Parent

5 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 5 Multiple Inheritance Modeling this behavior in programs seems to call for the concept of multiple inheritance An object can have two or more different parent classes and inherit both data and behavior from each MaleProfessorParent

6 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 6 Multiple Inheritance It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that multiple inheritance has stirred more controversy and heated debates than has any other C++ feature Yet the truth is that multiple inheritance is a powerful and effective feature - when used properly What is a good model?

7 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 7 Incomparable Complex Numbers A portion of the Smalltalk class hierarchy Where do complex numbers fit? Object BooleanMagnitudeCollection CharNumberPointSetKeyedCollectionTrueFalse IntegerFloatFraction things that can be compared to each other things that can perform arithmetic

8 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 8 Possible Solutions Make Number subclass of Magnitude, but redefine comparison operators in class Complex to give error message if used (e.g., subclassing for limitation) Don't use inheritance at all - redefine all operators in all classes (e.g., flattening the inheritance tree) Use part inheritance, but simulate others (e.g., use Number, but have each number implement all relational operators) Make Number and Magnitude independent, and have Integer inherit from both (i.e., multiple inheritance)

9 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 9 Possible Solutions MagnitudeNumber CharIntegerComplex

10 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 10 Another Example – Walking Menus A Menu is a structure charged with displaying itself when selected by the user A Menu maintains a collection of MenuItems Each MenuItem knows how to respond when selected A cascading menu is both a MenuItem and a Menu

11 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 11 Multiple Inheritance in C++ C++ supports multiple inheritance (i.e., a class may be derived from more than one base class) C++ syntax: class Derived: public Base1, public Base2, public Base3, protected Base4 {... }; Example: class passengerVehicle {... }; class trainCar {... }; class passengerCar: public passengerVehicle, public trainCar {... }; Handout #5

12 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 12 The Ambiguity Problem Circumstances: Let Derived be inherited from Base1 and Base2 All feature names inside Base1 are distinct All feature names inside Base2 are distinct All feature names inside Derived should be distinct Ambiguity problem: the same feature name X occurs both in Base1 and in Base2 The problem does not occur in single inheritance If the same feature name occurs both in Derived and in Base, then no ambiguity occurs. Why?

13 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 13 The Ambiguity Problem In handout #5, what would happen if we attempted to print the data members of derived by accessing them individually instead of using the overloaded operator<<handout #5 cout << “Object derived contains:\n” << “Integer: “ << derived.getData() << “\nCharacter: “ << derived.getData() << “\nReal number: “ << derived.getReal() << “\n\n“;

14 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 14 Coincidental vs. Inherent Ambiguity Coincidental ambiguity occurs when the duplicated names Base1:: X and Base2:: X are unrelated Ambiguity is a coincidence Same name, distinct entities Inherent ambiguity occurs when Base1 and Base2 derive from a common Base, in which X occurs Ambiguity is inherent Same name, same entity

15 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 15 Ambiguity Resolution Approaches Forbid the inheritance as given. Force the designer of Base1 and/or Base2 to resolve the ambiguity Unreasonable: Good names are rare. In many cases, multiple inheritance marries together two distinct inheritance hierarchies, sometimes supplied by different vendors Impossible: In cases of repeated inheritance Force the designer of Derived to resolve all ambiguities In Eiffel, the compiler does not allow a class in which an ambiguity exists. The designer must rename all ambiguous features In C++, a good designer will override all ambiguous features. This is not always possible since one cannot override data members

16 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 16 Ambiguity Resolution in C++ Scenario An inherited function/data member is used (inside or outside the class) The compiler checks that the name is defined in exactly one (direct/indirect) base class Error message produced if name is defined in more than one class Ambiguity should be resolved before compilation can proceed Use qualified names ( :: ) to specify exactly one derived member

17 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 19 M. van Bommel 17 Ambiguity Resolution in C++ In handout #5, if we wanted to print the data members of derived by accessing them individually instead of using the overloaded operator<<, we could use the scope resolution operator ( :: ) to resolve the ambiguityhandout #5 cout << “Object derived contains:\n” << “Integer: “ << derived.Base1::getData() << “\nCharacter: “ << derived.Base2::getData() << “\nReal number: “ << derived.getReal() << “\n\n“; Drawbacks Client should be aware of implementation details Late detection of errors

18 One Solution: Redefinition/Renaming By redefinition we mean a change in the operation of a command such as what happens when a virtual method is overridden in a subclass By renaming we simply mean changing the name by which a method is invoked without altering the command’s functionality class Derived:public Base1, public Base2 { public:... int getData() const {return Base1::getData();} char getCharData() const {return Base2::getData();} double getReal() const {return real;}... };

19 Problem with Redefinition Solution While the redefinition of the function getData solves the problem when a Derived object is used in isolation, further problems may arise when we consider the implications of the principle of substitution Suppose getData is defined as a virtual function in Base1, Base2, and Derived Base2* b = new Derived(7,’A’,3.5); cout getData(); // this may not be what was intended

20 Diamond of Death Another common problem occurs when parent classes have a common root ancestor Occurs in every large system Must occur if the inheritance hierarchy has a common root Does the new object have one or two instances of the ancestor? Think of an example in which we would like to keep two instances A BC D

21 Diamond of Death Classical example: In C++ standard library, multiple inheritance is used to form the class iostream Handout #6 ios istream ostream iostreamifstreamofstream fstream

22 Approaches to Repeated Inheritance Forbid the situation A diamond occurs naturally in many cases Demand complicates the design Single copy of common base class Not always what we want Multiple copies of common base class Not always what we want

23 Approaches to Repeated Inheritance Either single or multiple copies of common base class Eiffel’s approach: decision made by designer of D C++’s approach: decision made by designer B and C A BC D

24 Approaches to Repeated Inheritance In C++ this problem is overcome through the use of the virtual modifier in the parent class list The virtual keyword indicates that the superclass may appear more than once in descendant classes of the current class but that only one copy of the superclass should be included class ios {... }; class istream: virtual public ios {... }; class ostream: virtual public ios {... }; class iostream: public istream, public ostream {... };

25 Planning for the Diamond Problem class Person {... void print(ostream& out){ // Print person data (e.g., name, gender, etc) } }; class Student: virtual public Person {... void print(ostream& out){ Person::print(out); // Print student data (e.g., courses, year, etc) } };

26 Planning for the Diamond Problem class Teacher: virtual public Person {... void print(ostream& out) { Person::print(out) // Print teacher data (e.g., salary, courses, etc) }; class TeachingAssistant: public Student, public Teacher {... void print(ostream& out) { Student::print(out); Teacher::print(out); // Print assistant data (e.g., supervisor, etc) }; Do you see any problem? Fix this problem (DONE IN CLASS)

27 Cross Delegation Handout #7 Notice how a class that DerivedOne knows nothing about will supply the override of a virtual function invoked by DerivedOne::foo() This “cross delegation” can be a powerful technique for customizing the behavior of polymorphic classes

28 Constructors and Virtual Base Class? class V { public: V(const char* s){ cout << s;} }; class B1: virtual public V{ public: B1(const char* s):V(“B1”){ cout << s;} }; class B2: virtual public V{ public: B2(const char* s):V(“B2”){ cout << s;} }; class D: public B1, public B2 { public: D(void):B1(“DB1”),B2(“DB2”) {} }; What will be printed when instantiating object of class D ?

29 Construction of a Virtual Base Class Work around 1 Define a default constructor in V Work around 2 Call V ’s constructor directly from the constructor of D Virtual bases are initialized by the initializer of the most derived class, other initializers are ignored Virtual bases may be initialized in a constructor of a derived class even if they are not immediate base classes Practically speaking, this means that when you create a class that has a virtual base class, you must be prepared to pass whatever parameters are required to call the virtual base class's constructor This might mean that the most-derived class's constructor needs more parameters than you might otherwise think

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