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ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST By: Melissa Choloniuk, Brooke Susac, Lizzie Cutler, Thomas Smith, Matt Touw Pages 197-224.

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Presentation on theme: "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST By: Melissa Choloniuk, Brooke Susac, Lizzie Cutler, Thomas Smith, Matt Touw Pages 197-224."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST By: Melissa Choloniuk, Brooke Susac, Lizzie Cutler, Thomas Smith, Matt Touw Pages 197-224

2 SUMMARY -McMurphy breaks the Nurses Station glass in order to take back his cigarettes -Nurse Ratched denies him access for a pass to visit his lady-friend which enrages him -Nurse Ratched shows signs of her patients wearing thin -A doctor allows them to go on a fishing trip and to play basketball outside -Nurse Ratched tries to scare them into not going on the fishing trip -Bromden is afraid of signing up because he might blow his cover, however he gets signed up anyway -McMurphy offers Bromden a piece of juicefruit gum which leads to Chief to blow his cover

3 LITERARY DEVICES -“…he was worrying over in his mind like a dog worries at a hole he don’t know what's down…” page 197 Simile -“McMurphy pooh-pooh her and her clippings, saying that his two aunts has spent most of their lives bouncing around the waves.” page 209 Pooh-poohed: To dismiss as being foolish or impractical

4 LITERARY DEVICES -“And if you fight they lock you some place and make you stop-” “Easy, easy, Chief. Just cool it for awhile. They heard you.” This represents Bromden trying to let out everything he knows about the combine as fast as he can.

5 SYMBOLISM -“ Her hand went up again to stop any interruptions that might come- the movement of a tarot-card reader in a glass arcade case” page 199 This symbolizes how the Big Burse controls their future, just like a tarot-card reader would predict your fate. -“ It was quite except for that high fevered, delirious ringing in my head” page 200 This symbolizes Bromden’s anticipation for McMurphy to rebel against Nuse Ratched.

6 CHARACTERIZATION -“After McMurphy was drawn out of what you might call a short retirement and had announced he was back in the hassle by breaking out her personal window.” page 205 McMurphy starts rebelling against Nurse Ratched creating a more relaxed environments for the patients. -“And before I realized what I was doing, I told him thank you” page 217 In this quote Bromden accidently talks for the first time.

7 CHARACTERIZATION “The expression on her face was calm and blank as a enamel, but the strain was staring to show in other ways. By the way she jerked the adhesive tight as she could, showing her remote patience wasn’t what it used to be.” –Bromden. Pg. 207 This represents how Nurse Ratched is starting to lose her temper with the patients.

8 GENDER ROLES McMurphy: Since coming out of retirement, McMurphy regains his power over the patients and wearing down the Big Nurse. Nurse Ratched: Though she still has plently of power over everybody, her patience is starting to wear thin.

9 ANALYTIC QUESTIONS 1. Why did McMurphy come out of retirement? 2.Why did Bromden only start talking to McMurphy? What could this mean? Do you think he will talk to the others? 3.Why do you think Doctor Spivey is convincing Nurse Ratched to become more lenient with the patients, as well as giving permission to them himself? 4.Why does Kesey choose to have a dominant female role to be in charge of the ward?

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