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Enzyme Notes. Enzymes are essential for digestion. What is DIGESTION? Breaking down large, insoluble (can’t dissolve in water) molecules into smaller,

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Presentation on theme: "Enzyme Notes. Enzymes are essential for digestion. What is DIGESTION? Breaking down large, insoluble (can’t dissolve in water) molecules into smaller,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzyme Notes

2 Enzymes are essential for digestion. What is DIGESTION? Breaking down large, insoluble (can’t dissolve in water) molecules into smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed through the wall of the small intestine

3 Digestion Reactions Hydrolysis or Dehydration Synthesis?

4 What is a Chemical Reaction? Chemical reaction: When one or more chemicals (reactants) react to form different chemicals (products) Example: glucose and oxygen react to form carbon dioxide and water

5 Digestion: Enabling the Reaction What breaks down the large molecules? Digestive enzymes! -- made by specialised cells inside glands

6 What are Enzymes? Specialized Proteins Catalyze Reactions catalyze Are specific for what reactions they catalyze Reusable Are Reusable ase End in –ase-Sucrase-Lactase-Maltase

7 Catalysts Molecules that help a chemical reaction take place faster -- Catalysts are NOT used up in reactions Enzymes (biological catalysts) can speed up chemical reactions in living organisms (cells) – often millions of time faster! “Catalyze” reactions

8 How Enzymes Work Enzymes provide a site for chemicals to come together to react Like a lock and key


10 Enzymes for Digestion ReactantsEnzymesProducts Carbohydrates Simple sugars amylase Proteins Amino acids pepsin Lipids (fats) Fatty acids + glycerol bile or lipase

11 Factors that change the rate of reactions of enzymes: Amount of enzyme present Temperature pH (how acidic or basic something is)

12 OPTIMAL Temperature:


14 If temp or pH is too high or too low, enzymes can become DENATURED (unwound and destroyed)

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