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Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2016 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2016 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

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1 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2016 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2016 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

2 Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide An Appeal Dear User…. This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, change fonts, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. P LEASE U SE A S I S.


4 Rebellion and Redemption Our Goal Jesus has won the decisive victory. The challenge has always been where we place our loyalties. The controversy still rages and the deceptions are ever-present. Our prayer, then, is that this quarter’s lessons will reveal some of these deceptions and thus help us not just to choose Christ but to remain with Him.

5 Rebellion and Redemption Contents 1 Crisis in Heaven 2 Crisis in Eden 3 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs 4 Conflict and Crisis: The Judges 5 The Controversy Continues 6 Victory in the Wilderness 7 Jesus’ Teachings and the Great Controversy 8 Comrades in Arms 9 The Great Controversy and the Early Church 10 Paul and the Rebellion 11 Peter on the Great Controversy 12 The Church Militant 13 Redemption

6 Rebellion and Redemption Lesson 3, January 16 Rebellion and Redemption Lesson 3, January 16 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

7 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs Key Text Genesis 28:15 NKJV “ ‘Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until O have done what I have spoken to you.’ ”

8 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs Quick Look 1. Post Eden Relationships (Genesis 4:8, 9) 2. Post Flood Relationships (Genesis 9:24-27) 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships (Genesis 22:9-12)

9 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs Initial Words The stories that follow the Fall take the themes of deception and broken relationships, first seen in Eden, to a deeper level. During this time, the conflict spreads and diversifies over the globe. Yet through it all, the faithfulness of God, as He sustains and nurtures His harassed children, continues.

10 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs 1. Post Eden Relationships Genesis 4:8, 9 NKJV Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it same to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Then said the Lord to Cain, ‘Where is Abel your brother?’ He said, ‘I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?’ ”

11 1. Post Eden Relationships Cain and Abel At the birth of Cain, Eve was ecstatic. She fully believed that she had just given birth to the Deliverer promise in Genesis 3:15. “I have acquired a man from the Lord” (Gen. 4:1, NKJV). The text could read, “I have made a man—the Lord.” It simply reveals that Eve thought she had delivered the One whom the Lord had promised.

12 1. Post Eden Relationships Cain and Abel Note the differences in Adam’s emotions as compared with Cain’s. Adam appears confused, frightened, and ashamed (Gen. 3:10), but Cain is angry (Gen. 4:5), cynical, and rebellious (Gen. 4:9). Instead of offering a weak excuse as Adam did, Cain tells a blatant untruth.

13 1. Post Eden Relationships Seth With the birth of Seth, Eve again thinks she has delivered the Promised One. The name “Seth” is from the word that means “to place or to put,” the same word used in Genesis 3:15 for a Deliverer. Eve describes her new son as “the seed” to replace Abel. People still clung to the hope of redemption. Without it, what do we have?

14 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs 2. Post Flood Relationships Genesis 9:24-27 NKJV So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him. Then he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan. A servant of servants....’ And he said: ‘Blessed be...the God of Shem, and may Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth,...and may Canaan be his servant.”

15 2. Post Flood Relationships The Flood In the Flood we see a partial reversal of the special acts of Creation; many of those things that God had separated are now brought back together. The earth seems to move back toward being “formless and empty” (Gen. 1:2, NIV).

16 2. Post Flood Relationships New Creation Despite this apparent win by the forces of evil, God’s creative genius is still at work. He initiates a new creation, by again separating different elements. First, He separates Noah from the people of the time; then tasks Noah with building an enormous boat and separates out a small group of people, birds, and animals.

17 2. Post Flood Relationships The Great Controversy Continues But it’s hardly a perfect one. Some time after the Flood, we are reminded of the frailty of human goodness. Noah becomes drunk, and shameful things occur (Gen. 9:20–27). Thus, even one of the heroes of faith (see Heb. 11:7) had his bad moments. The great controversy continues in the hearts of individuals.

18 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Genesis 22:9-12 NKJV Abraham built an altar,...placed the wood..., bound Isaac...and laid him on the altar.... And Abraham...took the knife to slay his son. But the Angel of the Lord... said, ‘Do not lay your hand on the lad,... For I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld...your only son from me.’ ”

19 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Abraham While Abraham is known for his faithfulness, his life experiences are more about God’s faithfulness to him. Twice God has assured Abraham that he would have a son. He first told him when Abraham was about 75 years old (Gen. 12:2, 4), then about ten years later (Gen. 13:16).

20 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Abraham Eventually, even after much stumbling on Abraham’s part, the child of promise—the child of the covenant—was born, and God’s faithfulness to His sometimes- wavering servant was revealed (see Gen. 17:19, 21; Gen. 21:3–5).

21 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Abraham “The sacrifice required of Abraham was not alone for his own good..., but it was also for the instruction of the sinless intelligences of heaven and of other worlds. The field of the contro- versy between Christ and Satan—...on which the plan of redemption is wrought out—is the lesson book of the universe.” —Patriarchs and Prophets 154, 155.

22 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Jacob and Esau Esau hated his brother Jacob after being tricked out of that great honor, and he planned to kill him after their father died (Gen. 27:41). Jacob had to endure 20 years of being tricked by his father-in-law, first in his marriage, then in his wages (Gen. 29:20, 23, 25, 27; 31:7).

23 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Jacob and Esau Laban pursued him (Gen. 31:25, 26), and then Esau set out with 400 men to meet him. Both of those situations were life threatening, and God had to step in twice to deliver him; first in a dream to Laban, to tell him not to harm Jacob (Gen. 31:24); then in person, to wrestle with Jacob and cripple him (Gen. 32:24–30).

24 3. Pre-Canaan Relationships Joseph and His Brothers We see brother hating brother because of one being shown favor over the other (Gen. 37:3, 4). When Joseph told his brothers about his dreams (Gen. 37:5–11), he incited even more hatred and envy against himself. So, at the first opportunity, they plotted to get rid of him (Gen. 37:19, 20).

25 3. Pre-Canaan Relatioships Joseph and His Brothers Joseph could have chosen to become bitter and anti-God, but he chose instead to maintain his faith amid this harrowing struggle, the great controversy being played out in his own life in a dramatic way. Eventually, the slave became a leader in Egypt.

26 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs Final Words As these stories show, life on this earth, amid the great controversy, doesn’t always play out as we might have wanted. Life can and does do us dirty. What do you expect in a fallen, sinful world—paradise? Eden’s long gone. But it will be back.

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