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Hepatitis-AHepatitis-A !!Holiday hates!! Helping you when you’re on holiday.

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Presentation on theme: "Hepatitis-AHepatitis-A !!Holiday hates!! Helping you when you’re on holiday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hepatitis-AHepatitis-A !!Holiday hates!! Helping you when you’re on holiday

2 What is it? Hepatitis A is a virus caused by the hepatitis A virus, an RNA virus which is usually transmitted through contaminated food, water and through direct contacts with a person who has been diagnosed with it. The time between infection and the symptoms is usually around 2-6 weeks and the average incubation period is around a month. It causes harm to the liver as hepatic means “liver” and itis means “inflammation so together means “Inflammation of the Liver”

3 Where it comes fromWhere it comes from Geographic distribution of Hepatitis A prevalence (Anti-HAV-Antibody),2005 - High : prevalence higher than 8% - Intermediate : between 2% and 7% - Low : less than 2% Hepatitis A affects many places around the globe. This is an image made in 2005 showing it’s distribution.

4 The SymptomsThe Symptoms Symptoms of hepatitis begin to show after about two-six weeks after being in contact with it. Symptoms are: Nausea Vomiting Diarrhoea (in children) Fever No appetite Rashes Jaundice Tiredness Urine becoming the colour of coca cola or strong tea. Dehydration Pain in the abdomen

5 VaccinationVaccination It is advisable, if you are going to any of the areas where hepatitis A is prevalent, to have the vaccination which is available at your doctors’ surgery. If you have a booster within a year of your first vaccination you will be covered for a twenty year period. It is still advisable to follow the precautions as detailed on the next page.

6 PrecautionsPrecautions When taking precautions it is best to make sure you : Wash your hands with soap after going to the loo, changing a nappy, for preparing meals and before eating. Avoid tap water if possible and if not practise sanitation skills etc. Don’t share personal belongs with someone. E.g. toothbrush, razor or wash cloths.

7 If you should find yourself with any of the symptoms after going on a holiday somewhere where hepatitis A is prevalent you must immediately seek medical advise.

8 BibliographyBibliography page2_em.htm fact.htm nt.cfm

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