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COM 215 Media History Sound Recording and Popular Music.

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Presentation on theme: "COM 215 Media History Sound Recording and Popular Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 COM 215 Media History Sound Recording and Popular Music

2 Outline Quiz Before the Music Died (discussion) Development of Sound Recording: From Foil Cylinders to BitTorrent Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll Rock and rebellion [Break: 7:25pm] Radio

3 Business of Sound Recording (discussion) Dominant trends and their impact on popular music...

4 Development of Sound Recording 1850s – De Martinville’s records sound 1877 – Edison’s phonograph play it back! 1887 Emil Berliner’ flat disks or records!

5 Development of Sound Recording 1900s – Victrolas 1940s – polyvinyl plastic records 1948 – CBS’s LP (long playing record) 1949 – RCA singles 1950s hifi systems  1958 Stereo!

6 1960s audio cassettes 1983 CDs!  Replaced records and audio cassettes 1992 MP3 format 2001 BitTorrent protocol (for p2p) Development of Sound Recording

7 Early 1900s sheet music 1920s pop vocalists 1930s swing bands 1940 – Sinatra or “the voice” Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

8 1951 Alan Freed “Sixty Minute Man” Sixty-minute man, sixty-minute man Look a here girls I'm telling you now They call me "Lovin' Dan" I rock 'em, roll 'em all night long I'm a sixty-minute man (Dominoes, 1951) Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

9 The Blues (Delta & Chicago) Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll


11 Cover music - black and white musicians  Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley - “Hound Dog” Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

12 Cover music - black songs by white musicians  Little Richard and Pat Boone Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

13 Cover music - white songs by black musicians  Don Gibson and Ray Charles “I can’t stop loving you Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

14 Brown vs. Board of Education (May 17, 1954)  14 th amendment "no State shall... deny to any person... the equal protection of the laws.").  “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal” Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

15 Rock breaks down boundaries  Blurs distinctions Popular Music & the Formation of Rock and Roll

16 1964 The British Invasion Rock & Roll and Rebelliousness

17 Bob Dylan at the Newport Folk Festival (1963-1966) Rock & Roll and Rebelliousness

18 Jimi Hendrix and the Star Spangled Banner (1969) Rock & Roll and Rebelliousness

19 Copyright and Creativity Is sampling an art form? Why is it endangered?

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