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School garden By Cameron and Rylie. Action plan Our goal for the project is to help cut the cost of produce for the school and stop some of the pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "School garden By Cameron and Rylie. Action plan Our goal for the project is to help cut the cost of produce for the school and stop some of the pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 School garden By Cameron and Rylie

2 Action plan Our goal for the project is to help cut the cost of produce for the school and stop some of the pollution that the trucks would bring and deliver the food. The garden can also be use as a learning tool. Like for instance “Through caretaking, students observed the biological process by which one strawberry plant gives rise to another and eventually, blossoms and berries” said James Rye of the National Science Teachers Association. We can get in contact of the cafeteria workers to let them know when we have food ready for consumption. We hope to get everyone at school actually eating the produce instead of buying it then throwing it away. We will grow peppers, green beans, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, @@@Cameron@@@. Hopefully people would realise the better taste of the fresh food from the garden and start eating it regularly.

3 Program implementation The school garden will be slowly implemented into the school club system. We will purchase the seeds out of our own pockets because seed packets are like $20 in bulk. Cameron and I will purchase seed packets and Cameron owns a farm so he has a bunch of tools (shovels, hoes,etc). We will put flyers around the school notifying people of the program and let them get service hours for helping out. A lot of people want to get service hours so this would be a perfect opportunity to get some.

4 Maintenance/Funding We can have people take over while we are gone because people can like gardening and it gives us fresh produce. This can also save the money spent on fruits and vegetables and put it towards other things (even though they probably won’t). And to get money we can always set up an event or something along those lines like a bake sale or a contest. Even selling access vegetables at a farmers market. With a ticket of being X amount of money. And volunteers can get service hours for a good look on their collage resume, to help better their chances in getting a scholarship or a acceptation to the collage.

5 Environmental impact Evidence of a school garden can help the o zone by having less weight in the trucks to use less gas. This also helps animals because we get fresh air from the plants. This fresh air can be a replacement or filler to the bad gasses that people use daily around our school. The excess food we have and didn’t use we can put to good use and give it to people that are struggling to find good food to eat. “As temperatures and carbon dioxide levels in the air both raise, gardens will remain in growth all year round. Instead of putting away lawnmowers and shears every autumn, gardeners will have to keep their blades sharp for a bit of winter cutting and pruning” says Fred Pearce.

6 Sources ●Rye, J., Rummel, S., Forinash, M., Minor, A., & Scott, H. R. (2015, April-May). Garden-based learning: it's just the berries! Indoor and outdoor experiences engage students in plant science. Science and Children, 52(8), 58. Retrieved from tailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=SCIC&windowstate=normal&content Modules=&display- query=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Journals&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&search_within_results=&p=SCIC&actio n=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CA409423195&source= Bookmark&u=stil34938&jsid=5f8b92b56c868f9af43659dc4b28a0c8 ●Pearce, F. (2003). Gardening goes all hot and steamy. New Scientist, 180(2416), 13. Retrieved from tailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=SCIC&windowstate=normal&content Modules=&display- query=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Journals&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&search_within_results=&p=SCIC&actio n=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CA108911256&source= Bookmark&u=stil34938&jsid=a7f9377f396445ac0aed917141996685

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