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COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 1 of 14 Keywords and Associations.

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Presentation on theme: "COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 1 of 14 Keywords and Associations."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 1 of 14 Keywords and Associations

2 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 2 of 14 Keyword specification – keyword name – default value – possible values – units – datatype – short comment for header – long description – header position – DADS table – keyword source The following information is being generated by STScI Science Instrument team and DST for all COS specific keywords. COS ICD-19 header and keyword development is underway and can be tracked through the development version of the keyword database at header_form?db=Development

3 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 3 of 14 Science Instrument Configuration Keywords  Keyword: some possible values – OBSTYPE: Spectroscopy, Imaging – OBSMODE: ACCUM, TIME-TAG – EXPTYPE: ACQ, PEAKUP/XDISP, PEAKUP/DISP, SCI, WAVE, FLAT, DARK, PHA – DETECTOR: FUV, NUV – SEGMENT: FUVA, FUVB – OPT_ELEM: G130M, G160M, G185M, G225M, G285M, G140L, G230L, MIRROR, MIRRORB – CENWAVE: 1298, 1309, 1320, etc. – APERTURE : PSA, BOA, WCA, FCA (Indicates a COS unique keyword or value)

4 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 4 of 14 COS Associations  Only associations required for data processing will be constructed by TRANS  There will be 1 product, and only 1 product, for each association.  COS associations will consist of – FP-split (always 4) or repeat obs. exposures – Wavecals > Wavecals executed after each grating, central wavelength, mirror, or aperture change; and at least once each orbit.  Wavecals can be shared between associations  An association table will contain all information about associated dataset  Observations will complete Generic Conversion as individual exposures, be held by a Data Collector until all member exposures are present, and the product will be created by CALCOS.

5 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 5 of 14 Trailer concatenation  CALCOS will append trailer messages for individual exposure calibrations to the OPUS generated trailers.  CALCOS will concatenate the individual exposure trailers at the start of product generation, and append further product calibration comments to the resulting file.

6 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 6 of 14 Association related keywords  Science headers: – ASN_ID – unique identifier assigned to association – ASN_TAB – name of the association table – ASN_MTYP – Role of the Exposure in the Association  Association table header: – ASN_STAT – status of association (Complete/Incomplete) – ASN_PROD – association product formed (T/F)

7 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 7 of 14 Association Table Example – FP split  Example of Association Table listing at time of creation with all exposures present – ASN_ID = lpppss01 MEMNAME MEMTYPE MEMPRSNT MEMNAME MEMTYPE MEMPRSNT lpppss01q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss01q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss02q EXP-FP YES lpppss02q EXP-FP YES lpppss03q EXP-FP YES lpppss03q EXP-FP YES lpppss04q EXP-FP YES lpppss04q EXP-FP YES lpppss05q EXP-FP YES lpppss05q EXP-FP YES lpppss06q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss06q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss010 PROD-FP NO lpppss010 PROD-FP NO  CALCOS must update ASN table as products are generated.

8 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 8 of 14 Association Table Example –Repeat Obs  Example of Association Table listing at time of creation with all exposures present – ASN_ID = lpppss02 MEMNAME MEMTYPE MEMPRSNT MEMNAME MEMTYPE MEMPRSNT lpppss07q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss07q EXP-WAVE YES lpppss08q EXP-RPT YES lpppss08q EXP-RPT YES lpppss09q EXP-RPT YES lpppss09q EXP-RPT YES lpppss0aq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0aq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0bq EXP-WAVE YES lpppss0bq EXP-WAVE YES lpppss0cq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0cq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0dq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0dq EXP-RPT YES lpppss0eq EXP-WAVE YES lpppss0eq EXP-WAVE YES lpppss020 PROD-RPT NO lpppss020 PROD-RPT NO

9 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 9 of 14 Archive Catalog  All datasets for a given association presented to DADS in a single OPUS archive request.  Product and unassociated exposure level information cataloged in “science” tables (science, cos_science, cos_ref_data, etc.).  All exposure level information cataloged in “instrument” tables (shp_data, cos_a_data, etc.)

10 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 10 of 14 Shared Wavecals  For example, the first wavecal of an association can be shared with the previous association, or the last wavecal of an association can be shared with the following association.  Data Processing – OPUS pipeline cleanup routine will not delete a shared wavecal until the last association using it has completed processing. – Same wavecal exposure from different associations will be sent to DADS in separate archive requests.

11 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 11 of 14 Shared Wavecals (cont.)  Archive Catalog – Each instance of a shared wavecal will be cataloged in the COS instrument tables. > Dataset name and association_id will be used as unique keys to distinguish table rows.

12 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 12 of 14 Association rules for processing with missing data  The data collector will time-out at a tunable time (~ 2 days) and continue processing without the missing data  Rules for processing anomalous scenarios: – If at least one science exposure exists (FP-split or RptObs), generate a product. > If no wavecal exists generate a product from the science exposures using default wavelength shifts in CALCOS. – If one or more wavecals exist with no science, process wavecals as individual exposures including calibration.

13 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 13 of 14 Association rules for processing with missing data (cont.)

14 COS OPUS/HDA CDR Daryl Swade July 23, 2001Keywords and Associations Space Telescope Science Institute 14 of 14 Associating COS jitter files  Jitter files for individual exposures will be packaged into products that correspond to the science data products.

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