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Ask questions Compare Share ideas Search for patterns Metacognitive caterpillar.

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Presentation on theme: "Ask questions Compare Share ideas Search for patterns Metacognitive caterpillar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ask questions Compare Share ideas Search for patterns Metacognitive caterpillar

2 What did we do to help us learn today? Mr Frog’s reflection Working in a group Sharing ideas Making decisions Asking questions Calculate Making connections Summarise conclusions Lillypads/Mr Frog/stepping stones

3 . What strategies did you use?? How did you work? When might you use these strategies again? How will they help you solve problems? Why? How useful were they to help you solve the problem? Reflection triangle

4 Sarah Gethin Jenny Bethan Alun To get the right answer. To check that I understand the important ideas for the context To get the truth.. To annoy the teacher. To check that I understand the instructions I think....… What is the purpose of asking questions? Concept cartoons

5 Placemat activity

6 Living graph

7   Fortune Line

8 Mind map

9 Which one doesn’t belong? Odd one out

10 ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, NEVER Halving something makes it lessDoubling a number makes it more Reducing the surface area makes the perimeter less as well Numbers with more digits have a higher value Multiplying makes a number bigger Dividing by 2 is the same thing as multiplying by a ½ Always, sometimes, never right

11 Venn diagram

12 What I knowWhat I want to know What I have learnt How I have learnt KWLH grids

13 QuestionAnswerDetailsSource QuADS grids

14 Fishbone diagram

15 PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) - + I What is it? Learners categorise their learning or ideas into : : Advantages [+] (h.y. worked) Disadvantages [-] (h.y. may not work); Interesting. It encourages learners to identify what has worked and not worked for their learning. A grid can be used like the one above..

16 Diamond ranking - 16 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

17 Ideas funnel

18 Questioning

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