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Mr Swindell’s Expectations Respect for everyone in the class in general. I wont talk while you are and you wont talk while I am. If you have a question.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Swindell’s Expectations Respect for everyone in the class in general. I wont talk while you are and you wont talk while I am. If you have a question."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr Swindell’s Expectations Respect for everyone in the class in general. I wont talk while you are and you wont talk while I am. If you have a question put your hand up. Come to the lesson with the correct equipment this means: pens, pencils, rulers, rubber, pencil sharpeners etc. No mobile phones. I will try to the best of my ability. Homework will be completed to the best of my ability and handed in on time. I will always remember that its not me personally that may be an issue, it’s the behaviour that I choose to display.

3 Is Dovedale beautiful to everyone? What’s the link? Dovedale Robin Hood

4 Aim: To assess problems tourism brings to Dovedale and design a sustainable response to it. Learning outcomes: (l4) Explain why people visit Dovedale. (l5) to Categorise the problems tourism brings to Dovedale and the surrounding area. (l6) To design a sustainable solution to problems caused by tourism and evaluate it.

5 Where is Dovedale?



8 a

9 Why do people visit Dovedale? Dovedale is owned by the National Trust, up to 8000 people visit Dovedale each day, but why? Put a sub title in your books: Why do people visit Dovedale? Watch the following video clip and try to write as many reasons why people visit Dovedale as you can.

10 Who cares about Dovedale and why?

11 A Mr Swindell WAGOLL (what a good one looks like)! Who cares about Dovedale? Peak District National Park because they are concerned about preserving natural beauty spots, but also at the same time encouraging tourists to come and visit the National Park. Local businesses because…… Tourists because….. The national trust because… The council because …………..

12 Who cares about Dovedale and why? Local People Local business Partly responsible for Dovedale Footpaths/Roads? owners

13 What problems does this cause? Each piece of paper has a problem on it, your task is to put them into categories (social, economic and environmental.) Social Economic Environmental Due to the high number of visitors, footpaths and the iconic stepping- stones have been eroded away, sometimes leading to unsafe surfaces.

14 What can we do to make Dovedale a sustainable tourist attraction? Idea 1: Improve existing facilities, by making the car park larger and building a visitors centre. Idea 2: Widen the roads around Dovedale, and introduce a bypass around the local town of Ashbourne. Idea 3: Tarmac the major paths around Dovedale allowing people to walk on even surfaces. You are the manager of the sustainable Dovedale project, the project must solve some or all of the problems tourism brings to dove dale. You must pick one of the following ideas and then come up with your own idea to solve the problems in a sustainable way.

15 Homework Finish off the your sustainable response sheet. If you need the PowerPoint from this lesson or want to know what to do for your homework it can always be found at: www. mrswindell. wikispaces. com

16 Controversy in Dovedale.

17 Further Questions… What do you think about that article? How may this affect your plans? Do you think the actions of the council were Sustainable? Why do you think people were so angry about it? Why do you think it made national news?

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