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2 Terms’ Greek Roots epi = upon peri = around endo = within or inner
mys = muscle sarco = flesh lemma = husk fasci = bundle


4 Twizzler analogy 1 1 Twizzler strand = myofibril

5 Twizzler analogy 2 1 bundle of twizzlers = fascicle

6 Twizzler analogy 3 1 package of Twizzlers = Muscle belly
The packaging = tendon

7 Büech’s Twizzler Analogy LAB w/Plastic Wrap
Each strip of the Twizzler represents a myofibril (muscle fiber) Wrapped in Plastic Wrap endomysium Several myofibrils wrapped together in Plastic Wrap form perimysium representing a fascicle Several fascicles are wrapped in Press & Seal wrap to represent the epimysium surrounding the muscle belly Extra Press & Seal at the ends represents the tendon that attaches muscle to bone

8 Origin- The location where the muscle is attached to the relatively immovable end of the bone

9 Insertion- end of the muscle that is attached to the movable bone

10 Prime mover- the muscle that provides most of the movement

11 Synergist- muscle that assists the prime mover

12 Antagonist- the muscle that opposes the action of the prime mover

13 Anterior shoulder and arm

14 Anterior forearm

15 Anterior thigh

16 Lateral thigh

17 Posterior thigh


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