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Journal: Explain both positive and negative reinforcement and give an example of each.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal: Explain both positive and negative reinforcement and give an example of each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal: Explain both positive and negative reinforcement and give an example of each

2 Operant Conditioning Part II Schedules of Reinforcement

3 IntervalInterval –Amount of time will pass before enforced If you do nothing it will still happen in timeIf you do nothing it will still happen in time RatioRatio –# of times behavior will occur before enforced You can’t just wait for it to happen in time, must do something!You can’t just wait for it to happen in time, must do something!

4 Fixed Interval (FI) A fixed amount of time must have passed between reinforcementsA fixed amount of time must have passed between reinforcements –No matter how often behavior occurs, it will only be reinforced within certain amount of time Ex. - Every 5 min. I will give you a stamp (worth 10 points) if you are taking notesEx. - Every 5 min. I will give you a stamp (worth 10 points) if you are taking notes The person learns to engage in the appropriate behavior only when the appropriate interval has passedThe person learns to engage in the appropriate behavior only when the appropriate interval has passed

5 Variable Interval (VI) Timing of next reinforcement is unpredictableTiming of next reinforcement is unpredictable Ex. – if teacher walks around room randomly giving stamps for students on taskEx. – if teacher walks around room randomly giving stamps for students on task This results in steadiest rate of respondingThis results in steadiest rate of responding –No one knows when pleasurable response (stamp) will come so students stay on task most of the time

6 Fixed Ratio (FR) Reinforcement provided after a fixed number of correct responsesReinforcement provided after a fixed number of correct responses Ex. – a video store offers a video card that promises 1 free rental after the purchase of 5Ex. – a video store offers a video card that promises 1 free rental after the purchase of 5 The person engages in behavior consistently with a brief rest after each rewardThe person engages in behavior consistently with a brief rest after each reward

7 Variable Ratio (VR) Reinforcement can come at any time after any number of triesReinforcement can come at any time after any number of tries Ex. – a person playing a slot machine is rewarded occasionally after a different number of pulls each timeEx. – a person playing a slot machine is rewarded occasionally after a different number of pulls each time To ensure the highest rate of success, the subject does the behavior as fast as possible knowing that the more times they do the behavior the more times they are likely to be successful.To ensure the highest rate of success, the subject does the behavior as fast as possible knowing that the more times they do the behavior the more times they are likely to be successful.

8 Activity! Please get in a group of 3 or 4Please get in a group of 3 or 4 You will need one paper with all of your names on it for the group responseYou will need one paper with all of your names on it for the group response Pass out activity sheetPass out activity sheet

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