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Sean Nanagas John Alles Joshua Beck Nan Danehower.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean Nanagas John Alles Joshua Beck Nan Danehower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean Nanagas John Alles Joshua Beck Nan Danehower

2 Research Topic: Tri-Fold  “Should the government spend more money aerospace/aeronautic programs?”  Why?  Interested since I was a child  Going to North Carolina State University

3 Steps For Project  Step 1: Finding a Product  Business of aerospace/aeronaut ics  Had a product in mind  No back up Product  Talked to Operator Director of Airport

4 Steps (Continued)  Step 2: Finding a Mentor  John Alles  Retired Airborne Army Ranger  President of Harnett County Chapter of NCSA

5 Steps (Continued)  Step 3: Helping with NCSA  Started out watching  Learned how to launch glider  Learned how to tow glider

6 Learning Stretch  Time management and Staying Focused  Organization  Working with new people  NCSU students and TA’s

7 Obstacles  Finding a mentor  Not able to take instructional flight  Time Management

8 Successes  Learning how to launch a glider  Assembling/ Disassembling a glider myself

9 Self-Reflection  Hands-on Learner  Sometimes Impatient  Flights lasted for hours  Longest flight was 3 hours  Procrastinator


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