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Kenya: Water Issues BioQUEST 2010 Joyce V. Cadwallader.

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Presentation on theme: "Kenya: Water Issues BioQUEST 2010 Joyce V. Cadwallader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kenya: Water Issues BioQUEST 2010 Joyce V. Cadwallader

2 Kenya: Water Issues Investigation Activities related to Water Issues – Start with activity related to own water use Brainstorm ways water is used Develop a spreadsheet for class to use to estimate water use for individual, group, and country Compare to figures provided by UN/WHO – US: – Kenya

3 Data Collection

4 Student Expert on Country Already part of course: – Students choose a country to champion – Balance countries so diversity is represented – Develop a Powerpoint presentation to describe the country (There is a list of statistical data that must be in the presentation) – Data must be in Excel format

5 Gapminder

6 After Introduction to Gapminder Students should explore some of the relationships in Gapminder Students will form a hypothesis that they thinks is supported by Gapminder data which demonstrates an important idea about their chosen country and present that to the class.

7 Google World

8 Lake Naturu

9 Measure Lake Size Use Image J or other (Coastline Java Applet) to collect data to support or reject the ideas that the lakes in Kenya are shrinking. Lakes in Kenya other than Naturu: Baringo- Bogoria; Turkana, Victoria, Magadi, Logipi, Kamnarok, Elmenteita, Naivasha, and Chala

10 Sources Google Earth

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