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 Private Elementary School  Serving Grades Kindergarten – Fourth Grade  Balanced Academics and Spiritual Values.

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Presentation on theme: " Private Elementary School  Serving Grades Kindergarten – Fourth Grade  Balanced Academics and Spiritual Values."— Presentation transcript:


2  Private Elementary School  Serving Grades Kindergarten – Fourth Grade  Balanced Academics and Spiritual Values

3 We inspire excellence in creative academics through a culture of spiritual values by nurturing relationships S c h o o l V i s i o n

4  Excellence in academics  Connecting Learning with Spirituality  Inspiring Character Development  Leadership Skills  Building Confidence and Trust  Integrating Traditional Arts and Culture  Appreciating Natural Beauty  Vegetarian Prasad- Lunch Available K e y F e a t u r e s

5  Qualified and practicing devotees  Act as role models for learning and behaving  Encourage and nurture relationship building  Connect learning to spiritual base  Engaged in Continuous Professional Development T e a c h e r s

6 Subjects  English Reading, Writing, Grammar and Spelling, Listening and Speaking  Mathematics  Science  Social Studies (History and Geography)  Sanskrit  Art  Music  Physical Education  Drama  Service Learning  Leadership Skills


8 O u r M e t h o d o l o g y   Creating a Supportive Learning Environment  Encouraging Reflective Thought and Action  Facilitating Shared Learning with multi- level groups  Enhancing the Relevance of New Learning  Making Connections to Prior Learning and Experience  Providing Sufficient Opportunities to Learn  Inquiry-based

9  Serving Children 3-5 years old  Inspiring little learners  Holistic Approach  Fun and Wholesome way  Exploration and play  Spiritual values embedded  Promoting healthy habits and a Healthy Mind

10  1320 West 34th Street. Houston, TX 77018  Subhra Devi Dasi/ Subhra Lind (Principal) 713- 714-2250 C o n t a c t I n f o.


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