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Nick Umney Lead Technology Specialist (Health & Education) Microsoft Ltd Infrastructure Optimisation in the NHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Umney Lead Technology Specialist (Health & Education) Microsoft Ltd Infrastructure Optimisation in the NHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Umney Lead Technology Specialist (Health & Education) Microsoft Ltd Infrastructure Optimisation in the NHS

2 Agenda Pressure on IT Infrastructure Optimisation What is it IO, NIMM Why is it important to you and your customers Process Examples Business Intelligence Business Desktop Deployment

3 Business Results & New Value Clinician Productivity Patient Connection Keep Business Up & Running Security Government (TCO) Technology Change Regulatory Compliance Cost Reduction Pressure on IT Annual NHS Spend on Infrastructure & Operations (excluding NPfIT) is £1.54bn

4 Infrastructure Optimisation Based on Gartner IT maturity model 4 Levels : –Basic –Standardised –Rationalised –Dynamic Across 3 areas: –Core Infrastructure –Business Productivity –Application Platform Measures IT maturity (not MS Products)

5 Cost Center Uncoordinated, manual infrastructure More Efficient Cost Center Managed IT Infrastructure with limited automation automation Managed and consolidated IT Infrastructure Infrastructure with maximum automation Fully automated management, dynamic resource Usage, business linked SLA’s Business Enabler Strategic Asset * Based on the Gartner IT Maturity Model Infrastructure Optimisation

6 Capabilities?

7 Infrastructure Optimisation The journey to enhance IT’s impact to the business Application Platform Business Productivity Infrastructure

8 What are the customer benefits? Annual IT labour Cost £660 per PC* Plan / Optimise Change Operate Support Plan/OptimiseChange Operate Support Plan/OptimiseChange Operate Support Plan/Optimise Change Operate Support  Improve IT efficiency  Increase agility  Shift investment mix Annual IT labour Cost £290 per PC* Annual IT labour Cost £115 per PC* * Source:IDC, 2006 Exchange rate calculated at £1 = $2

9 Standardized Rationalized Basic IO Improves IT Efficiency Accomplish More with the Same Resources PCs managed per IT FTE 100 200 300 400 700 0 Organisation 500 600 Source: IDC data analyzed by Microsoft 2006 20% 60% 20% 76 £660 172 £290 442 £115 IT Labour/PC Average PC’s per/IT FTE

10 What is the IO Process? 1. Complete the questionnaire 2.Microsoft or Partner to analyse results and plot results on the model 3. Custom Report & Guidance 4. Identify potential next steps against the Business and IT priorities

11 Level 1 Basic Disjointed, manual Infrastructure Knowledge not shared Reactive & ad- hoc Unpredictable service performance User driven “who shouts loudest” Focus is to Avoid Downtime Level 2 Controlled Coordinated, manual Infrastructure. Knowledge silos exist Reactive with some planning in place Services manageable & getting predictable Problem driven Focus is to Get Control Level 3 Standardised Standardized Infrastructure Individual Level collaboration and knowledge sharing Reactive & becoming proactive Stable & architected IT Infrastructure Request driven Focus is to Adopt Standards & Best Practice Level 4 Optimised Consolidated and virtualized Infrastructure Team level knowledge sharing & collaboration Proactive & accountable Continuous service improvement Service driven Focus is on Efficiency Level 5 Innovative IT & business stakeholders work in partnership Enterprise level knowledge sharing & collaboration Strategic assetDrives service innovation Value driven Focus is to become a Catalyst for Innovation What is the NIMM?

12 DynamicStandardizedRationalizedBasic Desktop, Server, and Device Management Software distribution, Patch management, Mobility, Imaging, Virtualization Data Protection and Recovery Backup, Restore, Storage management Security and Networking Policy, Anti-malware, Firewall, Access control, Network protection, Quarantine IT and Security Process Best practice guidance on cost-effective solution design, development, operation, and support Identity & Access Management Directory services, User provisioning, Directory-based authentication IO and NIMM NIMM to IO Map

13 NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model provides guidance and helps trusts objectively benchmark for themselves their “as-is” infrastructure capabilities, then: Use it to build a plan for coordinated capability improvement in a systematic way Use it to set investment priorities and create a benefits plan to understand desired outcomes Use it to collaborate with NHS suppliers so they create infrastructure solutions that NHS needs (and is ready for) What is the NIMM?

14 Contract also extends Office to Groove and One Note. Windows Rights Management Services CAL System Center Ops Manager Client OML Exchange Server Enterprise CAL Office SharePoint Server Enterprise CAL Office Communications Server Ent CAL Office Communications Server Std CAL ForeFront Security Suite Instant messaging and presence eForms, spreadsheet publishing, data connectivity Web, video, audio conferencing Information protection and policy enforcement Desktop monitoring Client & server security Unified messaging and email compliance Content management, enterprise search, portal Messaging System monitoring and management Identity, security, networking, workloads Office SharePoint Server Standard CAL Exchange Server Standard CAL System Server Config Manager CML Windows Server CAL Access to Enterprise CAL is through Maturity Model Profiling IO or NIMM Access to Enterprise CAL is through Maturity Model Profiling IO or NIMM Enterprise Agreement

15 Business Intelligence Enterprise Content Management Communications & Collaboration Business Intelligence: BPIO

16 Data Management SOA and Business Process Business Intelligence User Experience Development Business Intelligence: APIO

17 ExcelExcel Performance Point Server SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server Analysis Services SQL Server Analysis Services SQL Server DBMS SQL Server Integration Services AnalyticViewsAnalyticViewsScorecardsScorecards PlansPlans Reports Dashboards Excel Services SQL Server MOSS End-user Tools Standard CAL / IO Standardised Enterprise CAL / IO Rationalised Additional CAL / IO Dynamic Healthcare Systems

18 Desktop, Server & Device Management Security & Networking IT Process & Policy Identity & Access Management Data Protection & Recovery Core Infrastructure: Components

19 Desktop, Device and Server Management Rationalised Dynamic Primary Desktop OS/Office Suite is patchable and supported Consistent plan to manage OS Policy for DT Mgmt Automated SW distribution (push/pull) Automated asset mgmt & tracking Layered image strategy Application compatibility testing solution SLA Monitoring of mission critical servers Model Enabled Service level monitoring of desktops, applications & servers Model Enabled Desired Configuration Management Capacity Analysis Solution Virtual Workload Mgmt/Provisioning Application Push to Mobile Devices Access to LOB on Mobile Devices Asset Management device measurement for Mobile Standardised Automated patch management Defined images Desktop image strategy Consistent plan to manage OS Monitoring present Mobile Device provisioning Security Policy provisioning (PIN) for Mobile Devices Remote wipe & policy enforcement for Mobile Devices Basic Automated patching NOT present Standard images NOT present Inconsistent Plan to manage multiple OS Monitoring NOT present Mobile Device Provisioning NOT present

20 The Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment A free set of tools and guidance covering the deployment of Windows OS and Applications What is BDD?


22 NHS Tools and Guidance NHS Specific Version of BDD  Guidance Documents Including:  NHS Desktop Automated Build  Automated Build Application Integration  NHS Desktop Deployment  Customised Build Utility  Pre-populated with O/S and Office  NHS Apps

23 IO Partner Readiness Partner IO Resources

24 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

25 Gartner Maturity Model


27 Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) MOF provides operational guidance that enables organisations to achieve mission-critical system reliability, availability, supportability, and manageability of Microsoft products and technologies. MOF Guidance Assess your current IT service management maturity, Prioritise your processes of greatest concern Apply proven principles and best practices

28 Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) MSF is a deliberate and disciplined approach to developing technology projects. Based on a defined set of principles, models, disciplines, concepts, guidelines, and proven practices from Microsoft. Process Tools Process Guidance

29 Basic Rationalized Virtualized Service-Based Standardized Infrastructure resources pooled Services managed holistically Uncoordinated infrastructure Standard resources, configurations Consolidate to fewer Policy/Value- Based Dynamic optimization to meet SLAs Objective Ability to Change Pricing Scheme Business Interface Resource Utilization Organization IT Management Processes Reduce complexity Economies of scale Flexibility, reduce costs Service-level delivery React Weeks Weeks to days Weeks to minutes Minutes Months to weeks Fixed costs Reduced, fixed costs Fixed shared costs Variable usage costs None, ad hoc Business agility Minutes to seconds Variable business costs Class-of- service SLAs Flexible SLAs End-to-end SLAs No SLAs Known Rationalized Shared pools Service-based pools Unknown Central control Consolidated Pooled ownership Service- oriented None Business SLAs Policy-based sharing Business- oriented Reactive - Proactive Life cycle management Proactive Mature problem mgmt Proactive Prediction, dynamic capacity Service End-to-end service management Chaotic – Reactive Ad hoc Value Policy management Gartner and NIMM

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