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Air Quality trend analyses under EMEP/TFMM and link to EEA work Augustin COLETTE (INERIS), Chair of the TFMM/CLRTAP TFMM National Experts, CCC, MSC-E,

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality trend analyses under EMEP/TFMM and link to EEA work Augustin COLETTE (INERIS), Chair of the TFMM/CLRTAP TFMM National Experts, CCC, MSC-E,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality trend analyses under EMEP/TFMM and link to EEA work Augustin COLETTE (INERIS), Chair of the TFMM/CLRTAP TFMM National Experts, CCC, MSC-E, MSC-W, ETC/ACM 20 th EIONET Air Quality Management and Assessment Workshop

2 Overview  TFMM Trend Assessment  Methodology  Measurement  Modelling (Eurodelta)  Link with EEA-ETC/ACM trend work Torseth et al., ACP, 2012

3 TFMM Trend Assessment 2014-2015  Spring 2014: TFMM Annual Meeting  Fall 2014: Trend Workshop  Winter 2014-2015  Spring 2015 : TFMM Annual Meeting  Fall 2015: EMEP Steering Body  Winter 2015-2016  Spring 2016 : TFMM Annual Meeting  Initial trend assessment studies  Discussion on methodologies  Agreement on methodology & modelling setup  Draft analyses & definition of writing teams  Drafts results + writing report  Review  Publications

4 Trend methodology for observations  Specifications  Time periods: 1990-2012 / 1990-2001 / 2002-2012  Data completeness: 75% of annual coverage and 75% of years covered  Statistical analysis:  Concentrations and wet deposition fluxes of Pb, Cd, Hg and B[a]P + other POPs: bi- exponential on the basis of monthly values;  Ozone (avg & max 8hr), NO2, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, sulphate, nitrate and carbonaceous atmospheric concentration and sulfur and nitrogen precipitation chemistry: Mann- Kendall and Sen-Theil slope on the basis of annual values & by season  Process  Centralised analysis (Centres) published on open TFMM wiki  Supplemented by national expert knowledge of  (i) data issues, (ii) need for filtering, (iii) non-linearity and changes of slopes in the record, (iv) additional compounds, (v) add or discard sites, (vi) changes in seasonal cycles, (vii) relation with local emission changes

5 Trend methodology for models: EURODELTA  6 regional CTMs + EMEP/MSC-W  Common setup  Meteorology  Emissions (GAINS/ECLIPSE)  Boundary conditions  3 tiers of experiments  1990/2000/2010 reference [7]  Sensitivity to emissions [6]  Sensitivity to boundary conditions [3]  Full 20yr hindcast [2] ED3-Trends

6 EURODELTA-Trends  Key Questions Model validationHow do model compare with observations in 1990, 2000, and 2010 ? How do models capture the trend in observations ? Can we conclude on the uncertainties in emissions? European policy effectiveness What if no emission change occurred in Europe ? Did “potency” changed over the past 20yrs? Can we identify changes in SIA formation ? Non-European influenceWhat if no emission changed beyond Europe ? What is the uncertainty related to boundary conditions ? Meteorological variabilityDoes meteorological variability contribute to the AQ trend over the past 20 yrs? ImpactsLink with effect community (health & ecosystems) What model dynamical evaluation means for IAM?

7 O3: Average trend  Composite of observations at 54 EMEP sites with valid observations over 1990-2012  Annual means were increasing in the 1990s  Ozone peaks decreased since 2000

8 O3: Statistics over the EMEP network  Fraction of stations with significant trend (%, pval<0.05)  Substantial average changes, yet unsignificant trends  short time period & interannual variability  Relative Change (%) Annual MeanJJA avg of daily MaxSOMO35AOT40 1990-20007.7-6.910.1-21.7 2001-2012-5.3-12.9-32.5-42.0

9 EMEP&AIRBASE Complementarity  AIRBASE:  ~230 RU background stations 2002-2012  EMEP:  ~50 RU background stations 1990-2012 EMEP / 1990-2001 (54)EMEP / 2002-2012 (54)AIRBASE / 2002-2012 (231)  Consistent conclusion on the O3 trends in 2000’s when expanding to airbase coverage

10 O3: Lower photochemical production  Larger decreases at EMEP sites where O3 levels where higher  Negative trends for mean O3 in summer, even at urban sites Courtesy D. Derwent ETC/ACM - EEA

11 O3: EURODELTA : modelled exposure  6-RCTM median pop-weighted average SOMO35 20002010 Relative Change 2010 vs 2000 Std dev

12 Sulphur & Nitrogen Compounds  General decrease, some gaps between model&observations Ox. SulphurOx. NitrogenRed. Nitrogen > >

13 Particulate Matter  Average Trend at EMEP sites 2002-2012 Solid line: Measurements Dottet line: EMEP model ModelObserved PM 10 -2.6% / yr2.4% / yr PM 2.5 -3.7 % / yr3.0 % / yr  Confirmed at AIRBASE sites, with slighly larger trends close to the sources ETC/ACM - EEA

14 PM 2.5 Modelled Exposure (EURODELTA)  Average population weighted exposure by country  6-model median ensemble in 1990 and 2010 1990 2010 EURODELTA3

15 PM 2.5 Modelled Exposure (EURODELTA)  Change in exposure between 1990 and 2010  Left: relative change in the EMEP model (%)  Right: std dev. of the relative change in the 6-model ensemble EURODELTA3

16 BaP Trends: example of Germany Air concentrations (modelling) Emissions (official data) Trend analysis of measurements at German sites DE1 0 2 4 6 8 19961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 ng/l Total reduction 56% Growth from 2005 to 2012 29% DE9 0 2 4 6 8 1996 1997 199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 ng/l Total reduction 57% Growth from 2005 to 2012 22% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 199019921994199619982000 200220042006200820102012 Air concentrations, ng/m 3 Value Trend Total reduction 68% Growth from 2005 to 2012 22%

17 Heavy Metal: total reduction (1990-2012) Wet dep. Measurements Modelling -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Measurements Modelling Total reduction, % Air conc. Lead -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Measurements Modelling Measurements Modelling Total reduction, % Air conc.Wet dep. Mercury -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Measurements Modelling Measurements Modelling Total reduction, % Air conc.Wet dep. Cadmium

18 Heavy Metals Trends  HMs:  Relative increase of the importance of non-EMEP and secondary sources

19 Conclusion  Main messages  O3:  increase in baseline in the 1990s  decrease of the peaks in the 2000s  Relative small fraction of sites with significant trends  PM & SIA  Larger decrease in the 1990s  HM & POPs  Larger decrease in the 1990s  Next steps  Full draft end of 2015  Publication Spring 2016  Ongoing Eurodelta analysis  Collaboration with other initiatives  EEA-ETC/ACM  CLRTAP AR  WGE Trend Report  TOAR

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