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Clean Fuels and Vehicles in Eastern Europe and Turkey Country status – Croatia Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction.

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1 Clean Fuels and Vehicles in Eastern Europe and Turkey Country status – Croatia Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

2 Transport in Croatia Transport is one of the major air, water and soil polluters; it causes noise and vibrations, climate changes, and numerous accidents. In this context the most negative role is played by road traffic. The present transport system of Croatia is based mostly on the use of fossil fuels. Road transport has increased, rail and public transport decreased. Lately the road network is constructed very fast across Croatia and there are plans for the construction of numerous new motorways.

3 Fuels today Croatia adopted the Regulation on Quality Standards for Liquid Oil Fuels that can be launched at the market and the manner of conformity verification. The provisions of this Regulation are aligned with the standards EN 228/1999 and EN 590/1999. Liquid oil fuels placed on the market shall be accompanied by a Declaration of Conformity issued by a laboratory in compliance with EN ISO/IEC 17025. Government shall determine the annual quantity of liquid oil fuels not meeting the prescribed limit values.

4 Fuels tomorrow A new regulation harmonized with EN 228 and EN 590 adopted in 2004 will be prepared till the end of 2005. As of 1 January 2006 placing on the market of leaded motor petrol shall be banned. According to the Decision of the Government, INA, ltd. developed the Programme of modernisation of refineries. Investments into refinery modernisation of approximately 900 million USD.

5 Vehicles Vehicles are imported in Croatia as the result of no vehicle production. For road motor vehicles, the homologation of the vehicle type or an individual vehicle is obligatory. As of 2000 new vehicles have to be in compliance with the EURO III and used vehicles with EURO II requirements-catalytic converters. Significant decrease of air pollution in towns, particularly lead pollution.

6 Technical Inspections There is a mandatory annual control of exhaust gases (ECO test) from mobile sources at each regular technical inspection of vehicles. The permitted CO concentrations - by the Rule book on Technical Requirements for On-Road Vehicles. Mopeds, motorcycles, work machines and tractors do not have to undergo the stated inspection.

7 Achievements and failures Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund started its operation in 2004 with revenues from sulphur and nitrogen oxide emission charges and motor vehicle charges. No support exists for promotion of the use of bio-fuels or alternative fuels and vehicles. Although the purchase of new and older cars meeting EU emission control standards reduced the impact of vehicle related pollution, the increasing number of vehicles on the roads have now started to reverse the trend.

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