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Beverlye Magnet School Presents…. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SIXTH GRADE STUDENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Beverlye Magnet School Presents…. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SIXTH GRADE STUDENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beverlye Magnet School Presents…. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SIXTH GRADE STUDENT

2 Before School Students arriving by bus and car will enter school from the rear of the building. Students eating breakfast will go to the lunchroom as soon as they arrive. Students not eating breakfast will go to the gym as soon as they arrive. NOTE: Due to safety concerns, please do not drop off students in the front or side of building.

3 Tardy Bell Students are tardy at 8:05 a.m. Parents, please be mindful of school start time. Every minute of instructional time is important. Students who are tardy not only miss instruction but cause a distraction when entering a class already in session. Being “on time” is a very important life skill.

4 7:45 a.m. Teachers escort students from gym and lunchroom areas to their grade levels. Students will visit their lockers and restrooms before 1 st Block Attendance and lunchroom counts are taken

5 First Block 8:00 a.m. – 9:40 a.m. Language Arts Goal of 25 Books per Year-Students should read a minimum of 30 minutes each evening Accelerated Reader Program is not used at BMS. Resources Sixth Grade Language Arts Standards

6 Second Block 9:42 a.m.-11:22 a.m. Math Resources Sixth Grade Standards

7 Third Block 11:24 a.m.-1:04 p.m. Social Studies/Science Your child will have one teacher for both social studies and science Social Studies and Science are taught on a flexible schedule/alternating days Most often…tests will be given on Friday

8 Meals Lunch: 11:24 a.m.-11:49 a.m. Students will use the same lunch number as they used in elementary school. Their lunch status will remain the same for the first 10 days of school. New forms will be processed and necessary adjustments will be made. Breakfast: $1.50 Lunch: $2.00

9 Electives 1:06 p.m. – 1:51 p.m. Band: All Year Choir: Semester Spanish (Rosetta Stone): One 9 Weeks Tech Steps: One 9 Weeks Project Lead the Way: One 9 Weeks Piano: One 9 Weeks

10 P.E. 1:52 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Students will be required to change shirts for P.E. everyday. They have the option to change shirts and shorts. Students need to secure all personal belongings in their lockers. Break is scheduled during the first 12 minutes of P.E. time. Snacks and drinks are sold.

11 M.O.P. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. M-Mentoring O-Organizing P-Planning/Preparing

12 End of Day 3:00 p.m. Car Riders and Early Bus students are released 3:02 p.m. Late bus students are released Students are to remain in designated areas. Afternoon carpool traffic flow is the same as morning carpool.

13 Student Planners All students will be issued a daily planner. This planner will be used to log homework assignments. In addition, the planner will be used as their hallway pass. Please assist your student in keeping up with their planner. In the event they lose their planner, a replacement planner may be purchased for $5.00 as long as supplies last.

14 Lockers Lock Rental - $3.00 All locks must be rented from BMS. No personal locks are allowed. Services & Support How to Open Your Combination Lock port/

15 Dress Code Please Note Major Changes Cargo Shorts/Pants are approved in khaki and navy. No extra-long shorts will be allowed. All solid color, collared shirts are approved Be Mindful of…. Belts are required: solid brown, black, or navy Carpenter pants are not allowed

16 Volunteering Parental involvement is one of the key indicators linked to a child’s academic success. You are encouraged to volunteer/participate in a number of areas. Book FairMedia CenterField Trips ProjectsCompetitionsMusical Sporting EventsFundraisers

17 Volunteering When you arrive to volunteer, please sign-in using the designated notebook. We want to acknowledge you for supporting your child and Beverlye Magnet School.

18 Open House Visitation Rotation 6 th Grade Teacher/Classroom Visitation: A-G (Students will meet their homeroom teachers.) Lockers & Information Station : H-P PTO, Electives, Bus Forms, Medication Forms, and School Supply List: Q-Z

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