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Jeremiah 6:16 …. Know Their Existence Old paths can become overgrown through neglect, diminished travel Doesn’t mean they no longer exist Only means.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeremiah 6:16 …. Know Their Existence Old paths can become overgrown through neglect, diminished travel Doesn’t mean they no longer exist Only means."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeremiah 6:16 …


3 Know Their Existence Old paths can become overgrown through neglect, diminished travel Doesn’t mean they no longer exist Only means they are harder to find Jeremiah exhorted the Jews about such “old paths”

4 Jeremiah 6:16 Know Their Existence Jesus similarly exhorts Mt 7:13-14 One road is “broad” Ù easy to travel One road is “narrow” Ù more restrictive This should be our path Jn 14:6 Acts 4:12 We must “strive to enter” Lk 13:24 cp. Jude 3 Included in this striving is finding it

5 Jeremiah 6:16 Ask For Their Whereabouts The Lord made His appeal to Israel They needed to “ask for” these trusted ways They were the best way…revealed by God 18:15 However, the Jews sought other ways cp. 7:22-24 Tantamount to forgetting God, stumbling

6 Jeremiah 6:16 Ask For Their Whereabouts Jesus similarly exhorts He invites us to learn of “His way” Mt 11:29 It was shared with His apostles Mt 28:20 It was followed by 1st Christians Acts 2:42 It was enjoined on all believers 2 Thess 2:15 3:6 Any other way is misleading, false Col 2:6-8

7 Jeremiah 6:16 Look For Their Markers The solution God had for His people 31:21 The only way back to God was to follow the signposts, road markers A principle in the Mosaic covenant Prov 22:28 Israel (Northern Kingdom) had already violated this principle cp. Hos 5:10

8 Jeremiah 6:16 Look For Their Markers We are similarly exhorted today We must not “transgress” or trespass 2 Jn 9 We must not act “lawlessly” Mt 7:23 We have our “markers” today 1 Cor 14:37 1 Thess 2:13

9 Jeremiah 6:16 Conclusion We must not act like these ancient Jews Their true attitude is revealed v. 16b They were hard-hearted, rebellious cp. 3:3 6:28 God will also “give up” (reject) hearts that are hardened today cp. Rom 1:24, 26, 28

10 Jeremiah 6:16 Conclusion Others may not be as rebellious, but their “complacent goodness” has them on the wrong paths as well

11 Jeremiah 6:16 Roman Catholic Church (Boniface III ) A.D. 606 Lutheran Church (Martin Luther) A.D. 1530 Presbyterian Church (John Calvin) A.D. 1540 Methodist Church (John Wesley) A.D. 1729 Episcopal Church (Francis Drake) A.D. 1578 Baptist Church (John Smyth) A.D. 1607 Mormon Church (Joseph Smith) A.D. 1830 Jehovah’s Witnesses (Charles T. Russell) A.D. 1884 Church of Christ (Jesus Christ) A.D. 30 Which One Has The “Old Paths”?

12 Jeremiah 6:16 Conclusion Others may not be as rebellious, but their “complacent goodness” has them on the wrong paths as well We all need to check to see if we are on the “Old Paths” of God!!

13 Jeremiah 6:16 …

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