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Ist 331 class 6 [5 min.] frank ritter, 11 sept 14 Computers/phones still off Questions? Fill out two surveys Project 1 abstracts in [15 min.] ABCS1, 2,

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Presentation on theme: "Ist 331 class 6 [5 min.] frank ritter, 11 sept 14 Computers/phones still off Questions? Fill out two surveys Project 1 abstracts in [15 min.] ABCS1, 2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ist 331 class 6 [5 min.] frank ritter, 11 sept 14 Computers/phones still off Questions? Fill out two surveys Project 1 abstracts in [15 min.] ABCS1, 2, 3 [20 min.] IS lab [20 min.] Learning lab

2 Project 1 [15 min.] Handin Questions, Concerns, Things to share?

3 Ch 1 ABCS Anthropometrics Behavior Cognitive Social These are everywhere, even on Reddit

4 Chapter 4 1.Posture 2.Haptic and kinesthetic and the other 5 senses 3.Fitts law

5 Ch 3 Fitts Law [10 min.]

6 Fitts Law Time to move = –Constant + rate * ID –150 + 100 log2(2d/w) –70 log2(d/w + 0.5) Implications –Make d short –Make W large –W on edge is infinite –Make d 0 –Make constants small (e.g., pointing finger vs. complex joystick; clean mouse vs. rat) –Move to keystroke

7 Typing 10-80 wpm Faster with practice Differ by letter, pair, word 3% errors (hmm), but 30% time

8 Lab 1 [20 min.] Questions, Concerns, Things to share?

9 Lab 2 [5 min.] Overview of lab Pick your task carefully –About 1 min. is ok, 30 sec a bit better, 10 s too fast, 2 min. too slow (typically, for lab, not for project)

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