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Data Element Classification ISO/IEC 11179, Part 2

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1 Data Element Classification ISO/IEC 11179, Part 2
Bruce Bargmeyer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tel: (202) Internet: WWW:

2 Data Elements-Fundamentals
Object Class Property Representation Data Element Concept Data Element Core Data Element Application Data Element

3 Data Elements-Fundamentals
Object Class Property Representation Data Element Concept Conceptual Domain Data Value Domain Data Element Core Data Element Application Data Element

4 Classification - Fundamental Notions
What forms can classification take? Keywords Controlled Word lists, possibly based on models Thesaurus Taxonomy Ontology Acyclic directed graph, lattice Multiple inheritance

5 Data Element Classification
SC NC GA VA MD OH ………… Definition Unique ID Name and Context Maintenance Organization Steward Classification Registration Authority Others …..

6 Classification - Fundamental Notions
Each node in a classification structure is a taxon (plural: taxa). The taxa relating to a data element can be listed in a separate attribute of a data element With adequate software, users could access and navigate the classification structure A nonintelligent identifier for each taxon helps to deal with change

7 Example Classification Scheme
Library of Congress keywords General European Multilingual Thesaurus (GEMET) Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) - biological Bill Kenworthey’s taxonomy of common abstract unit nouns

8 Utility of Data Element Classification
Help to locate one data element among many (thousands) Help to design similar data elements in uniform manner Help to resolve synonym and homonym problems Provide context not possible to put into a definition May provide definitions for words found in data element definitions and names

9 Status ANSI & ISO Final Draft IS going out for JTC1 ballot
Continuing R&D Concept is evolving Search engines Middleware - agents, mediators, request brokers XML tags Relationship to terminology management

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