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Author: Rachel Nuwer Journalist for NYT & BBC News.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Rachel Nuwer Journalist for NYT & BBC News."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Rachel Nuwer Journalist for NYT & BBC News

2 Traditional CPR ECMO Apoptosis Inhibition Defibrillator  3 rd state of being between life and death  Heart stops, cell activity proceeds

3 o Conrad w/ cardiac arrest, admitted to U. Penn hospital, EMOC treatment o Suicidal Japanese woman, body found in woods, 20c temp preserves cells QUESTION: When can we determine whether or not it’s worth it? Dr. Abella says “…there is little meaning in bringing a terminal cancer patient back from the dead, only to make them suffer another agonizing death hours later. Without finding a permanent fix for every disease, injury and condition that cause death, resuscitation only postpones the inevitable.”

4  Costly  Dangerous effects- Memory loss  Underlying problems, No cure for everyone  Artificial drugs- Irreversible  Postponing Inevitable* Cons Pros  “Staying alive” CPR method = outdated



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