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Windows Azure poDRw_Xi3Aw.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Azure poDRw_Xi3Aw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Azure poDRw_Xi3Aw

2 What is The Cloud Traditional Cloud o Software as a Service (SaaS)  Hosted Centrally  Accessed by users with a thin client (web browser)  Lacks the ability to customize the application

3 Cloud Services Storage Web Hosting Distributed Computing


5 Microsoft’s Cloud Platform Platform As Service o The delivery of a computing platform and resources o Enables user to customize the application in any VM in the cloud Integrated Development Environment Multi-Tenant architecture Integration with web services and database Support for team collaboration Utility/Performance analysis

6 Components of Windows Azure Fabric Storage Compute o Web Role - used for hosting front-end web applications behind Internet Information Services (IIS) o Worker Role - can run anything but is most commonly used to host background processing behind a web role o VM Role - enables you to deploy a custom Windows Server 2008 R2 (Enterprise or Standard) image to Windows Azure


8 Azure SDK User can run and debug applications as if they were running the cloud locally on their machine User can easily migrate.Net applications to the cloud, with these tools Cloud can run applications from other frameworks (Java, PHP..)

9 How does Azure apply to us Similar to WCF Each machine opens up an endpoint o Connecting to an endpoint creates an RMI over TCP connection Allows us to easily scale our application

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