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Respect aging Section 2: PREVENTION Module 11: Safety planning Violence Prevention Initiative Respect Aging: Preventing Violence against Older Persons.

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Presentation on theme: "Respect aging Section 2: PREVENTION Module 11: Safety planning Violence Prevention Initiative Respect Aging: Preventing Violence against Older Persons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect aging Section 2: PREVENTION Module 11: Safety planning Violence Prevention Initiative Respect Aging: Preventing Violence against Older Persons

2 Respect aging Agenda Welcome Learning together: Safety planning Small group activity Reporting back to whole group Wrap-up / Evaluation

3 Respect aging Safety planning… Is a process in which an older person and a trusted helper work together to ensure the older person’s safety in advance of any crisis.

4 Respect aging 1. Prevention 2. Protection 3. Notification 4. Referral 5. Emotional support Five strategies for safety planning

5 Respect aging Sandra’s Story Sandra and Gerard, both 79 Married 55 years Gerard is an alcoholic Gerard is violent Sandra wants to leave Sandra cannot read or write

6 Respect aging 1. Prevention Preventing future violence.

7 Respect aging 2. Protection Looking at ways older persons can protect themselves during a violent incident.

8 Respect aging 3. Notification Planning ahead for ways to get help in a crisis.

9 Respect aging 4. Referral Finding services that can help.

10 Respect aging 5. Emotional support Finding emotional support and ways to become less isolated.

11 Respect aging What you can do as a helper… Build rapport and listen actively Learn the fears of the older person and the possible result of threats Ask what the older person wants to do, and why Learn about the motivation of decisions Suggest options Brainstorm together

12 Respect aging What not to do as a helper… Tell the older person what to do Make referrals Impose your values Talk to the perpetrator Recommend risky strategies Blame the older person for not following the safety plan

13 Respect aging Helper safety Before you go: Call ahead Cell phone with essential numbers Inform others Don’t go alone Know the area, bring a map Carry only what you need

14 Respect aging Helper safety During a visit: Do not enter if uneasy Ask driver to wait Give cell number to driver Stay near exit door Check for weapons Leave if threatened Shout “Fire!”

15 Respect aging Safety planning… …involves problem-solving in advance.

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