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Social Networking A survey EDTC 5103 Hypothesis The older a person is, the less likely they are to trust social networking.

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2 Social Networking A survey EDTC 5103

3 Hypothesis The older a person is, the less likely they are to trust social networking.

4 Survey created using Microsoft Forms/Surveys Given November 8, 2013 at the Student Union

5 Out of 20 respondents, there were 11 females and 9 males.

6 Question 1: I don’t use social networking because I don’t trust it. Displayed with linear trendline.

7 Question 2: I believe that unauthorized persons can access my personal social network account information if I use social networking such as Facebook. Displayed with linear trendline.

8 Question 3: I use social networking but I am afraid that others are able to see my personal or hidden information. I worry about it. Displayed with linear trendline.

9 Question 4: While I do believe others could access my information, I still choose to use social networking. It doesn’t bother me. Displayed with linear trendline.

10 Question 5: I believe that unauthorized persons can hack into my account and access other personal information off of my computer if I use social networking. Displayed with linear trendline.

11 Conclusion: Given the survey results it does appear that the older a person is the less they trust social networking. All graphs and charts created using Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint.

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