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Genetics CyberEd: Heredity. Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to explain the ways that genetic information is passed from parent.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics CyberEd: Heredity. Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to explain the ways that genetic information is passed from parent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics CyberEd: Heredity

2 Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to explain the ways that genetic information is passed from parent to offspring in different organisms.

3 Objective Today you will be able to understand gametes (human: 23 chromosomes) combine, containing genetic information from each parent. That combination multiplies, composing about a trillion cells, each containing the same exact genetic information (humans: 46 chromosomes)

4 Notebook Title:CyberEd: Heredity Vocab Date:2/21/2016

5 Lesson Click on the CyberEd Icon As a class, go through the information found in the heredity section of Life Science Create vocabulary cards as lesson progresses

6 Application Click on the Application button for this topic Complete the application word document distributed while continuing the application lesson

7 Ending Question Why do self-pollinating plants have the same exact traits as the parent plant? How does this differ in humans? Answer in notebook

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