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Taylor Jordan. Vertebrate Classes Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia.

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Presentation on theme: "Taylor Jordan. Vertebrate Classes Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taylor Jordan

2 Vertebrate Classes Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia

3 Agnatha Oldest class of vertebrates Jawless Ex: Lamprey

4 Chondrichthyes Have skeletons made of cartilage Ex: Sharks

5 Osteichthyes Skeletons made of bone Most diverse group of vertebrates Ex: Ray-Finned Fish

6 Reptilia Live exclusively on land Produce eggs that do not need to develop in water Ex: Lizards

7 Aves Feathers Hollow bones Ex: Blue Jay

8 Mammalia Hair Mammary glands Three middle ear bones Ex: Raccoon

9 Three Groups Vertebrates Tunicates Lancelets

10 Overview/Characteristics All have tails, pharyngeal slits, hollow nerve cords, and notochords at some point in life or development.

11 Vertebrates Large Active Well developed brains in hard skull Segemented backbone Ex: Humans

12 Tunicates Urochordates Free swimming/sessile Ex: Sea Squirts

13 Lancelets Cephalochordates Small Eel-like Found in shallow tropical oceans Ex:Lancelet

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