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ATLAS M&O A: Collaborative Tools S. Goldfarb (5 June 2013)

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS M&O A: Collaborative Tools S. Goldfarb (5 June 2013)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS M&O A: Collaborative Tools S. Goldfarb (5 June 2013)

2 ATLAS Collaborative Tool Service  Participants  Steven Goldfarb: Coordination  Roger Jones: LCEB Representation  Tiina Wickstroem: Webcast & Technical Services  Svetlana Palagina: Virtual Visits, Webcast, Sharepoint & Drupal Development  ATLAS Secretariat and Meeting Conveners: Training, Feedback, User Support  Goal  Ensure Necessary Tools in Place and Working for ATLAS  Communicate Requirements, Problems to IT/UDS  Communicate Developments to Collaboration  General Services  Meeting & Project Support  Web Infrastructure & Communication Tools Home:, E-Group: atlas-collabtools@cern.ch 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 2

3 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 3

4 Specific Services  Audio & Video Conferencing  Installation & Maintenance of Conference Rooms  Liaison with Collaboration, IT for Major Services (Vidyo)  Operation & Monitoring for Key Plenary Meetings  Key Plenary = Weekly Meetings, ATLAS Weeks, Special Weeks  Webcasting & Lecture Archiving  Key Plenary Meetings (Parallel to Video Conferencing)  Tools Now Coupled and Integrated  ATLAS Live & Virtual Visit Infrastructure  Web Infrastructure  Point of Contact for Twiki, Sharepoint Development  R & D, Implementation of Drupal Web Infrastructure  Testing of Document, Media Sharing Tools 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 4

5 Video Conferencing  Usage  Continued Growth of #Meetings and #Sites Connected  Meetings/Month = 1800 ATLAS (Last Year 1700 on EVO)  Move to Vidyo  Relatively Smooth Transition  Planned New Facilities  42-R-401 (Remote Teaching)  ACR  Refurbishment  5-year SLA done 2006-2011  Moving to Replacement on Demand 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 5

6 Video Conferencing 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 6

7 Budget (M&O A) 2012 Item (Operations) Budgeted (kCHF) Cost (kCHF) SLA with IT/UDS for EVO Service257137 Total257137 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 7 Item (Consumables) Budgeted (kCHF) Cost (kCHF) SLA with IT/UDS for Lecture Archiving Service2320 SLA with IT/UDS for Public Screen Service00 Equipping + Refurbishment of Video Conferencing Facilities (as needed) 1 8062 Repairs, Consumables for Existing Facilities (Lamps, Switches, etc.)4027 Software Licenses & Peripherals10 Total153119 Operations + Consumables 410 256 1)SLA from 2008 on VC equipment now finished; will now replace systems, as needed

8 Budget (M&O A) 2013 Item (Operations) Budgeted (kCHF) Projected (kCHF) SLA with IT/UDS for Vidyo Service00 SLA with IT/UDS for Lecture Archiving Service2515 SLA with IT/UDS for Public Screen Service55 Total3020 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 8 Item (Consumables) Budgeted (kCHF) Projected (kCHF) Equipping + Refurbishment of Video Conferencing Facilities (as needed)120 Repairs, Consumables for Existing Facilities (Lamps, Switches, etc.)20 Software Licenses & Peripherals10 Preliminary Studies & Development of Drupal Prototype Web Pages2025 Total170175 Operations + Consumables 200195

9 Budget (M&O A) 2014-2018 Item (Operations) Budgeted (kCHF) SLA with IT/UDS for EVO Service0 SLA with IT/UDS for Lecture Archiving Service15 SLA with IT/UDS for Public Screen Service5 Total20 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 9 Item (Consumables) Budgeted (kCHF) Equipping + Refurbishment of Video Conferencing Facilities (as needed)100 Repairs, Consumables for Existing Facilities (Lamps, Switches, etc.)20 Software Licenses & Peripherals10 Drupal / Web Development25 Total150 Operations + Consumables 170

10 Summary  Developments Since Last Year  Vidyo Replaced EVO (Rather Smoothly)  Savings of 250 kCHF / year in Operations  Last Payment was 137 kCHF in 2012  Video Conferencing SLA Finished (2006-2011)  Purchase New Equipment as it Old Equipment Fails (No Major Failures yet)  Replace VGA/Analogue with DVI/Digital Peripherals  Future  Remote Teaching Facility (2013)  Room Obtained in Building 42  Immersive Environment in Building 42 Allowing Faculty to Teach Remotely  Upgrade at AVC  Virtual Visit Upgrade (Increasing Demand by Collaboration)  Foresee Potential Migration of Web Pages  Public Pages Underway, Tests Performed on Collab Tool & Outreach Sites  Investigating Development of Templates and Associated Tools 5 Jun 2013S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan 10

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