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Balancing Mechanism of Wheelchair Seat against The Angle of Inclination without Electric Energy Group name : 올라가 조 20081972 박경원 20091994 정태산 20102068 이효진.

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Presentation on theme: "Balancing Mechanism of Wheelchair Seat against The Angle of Inclination without Electric Energy Group name : 올라가 조 20081972 박경원 20091994 정태산 20102068 이효진."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balancing Mechanism of Wheelchair Seat against The Angle of Inclination without Electric Energy Group name : 올라가 조 20081972 박경원 20091994 정태산 20102068 이효진 20111974 강석우

2 Contents 1.Motivation 2.Goal 3. Related Patents 4. Our Concept 5. Numerical Analysis 6. Verification for Stability & Efficiency 7. Overall design 8. Reference

3 1. Motivation Wheelchair is only means of movement for the disabled Wheelchair users inevitably meet some stairs, raised spots and slopes

4 1. Motivation A wheelchair climbing some terrain has to balance its seat for stability. Wheelchair users often complain about battery duration time.

5 1. Motivation atch?v=CQkKOoztij0

6 2. Goal Design and make a system to balance wheelchair seat by using force of gravity instead of electric energy.

7 3. Patents Hand-operated

8 3. Patents Consume electric energy

9 4. Our concepts FRsRotateDecelerateFix (1) FRs & DPs

10 4. Our concept DPsPivotSpringSwitch (1) FRs & DPs

11 4. Our concept H We modified our concept.

12 5. Numerical analysis (1)Center of Gravity ① Average body dimension of men in 30’s ② Simplify body such as head, torso, arms, legs ③

13 5. Numerical analysis


15 (2) Measure the battery efficiency 5. Numerical analysis In process..

16 6. Verification for stability & Efficiency We will prove that our product can save electric energy and is stable

17 7. Overall design In process..

18 – 특허청 PYH2010041701830001300_P2 llery/YIBW_showPhotoNews_New.aspx?contents_id=PYH20100417018300 013 닥터메디 경성대학교 고령친화 백화점 창의적 문제해결 TRIZ 100 배 활용하기 1, 정찬근 정다혜 이경원 공저 wPYH2010041701830001300_P2 allery/YIBW_showPhotoNews_New.aspx?contents_id=PYH2010041701830 0013 8. Reference

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