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Welcome to 6th Grade! Curriculum Night 2015 Mrs. Short Assistant: Mrs. Koman Website:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6th Grade! Curriculum Night 2015 Mrs. Short Assistant: Mrs. Koman Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6th Grade! Curriculum Night 2015 Mrs. Short Assistant: Mrs. Koman Website:

2 ●This will be my 7th year teaching in District 41. ●I have a masters degree in Reading and Literacy from Benedictine University. ●I taught 6th grade at Pleviak for 4 years and spent that last 2 years at Palombi Middle School. ●I live with my husband and dog in Salem, Wisconsin. About Me

3 Behavior Expectations Respect yourself, teachers, classmates, and the school. Behavior management – warnings, notes or emails sent home, calls to parents Chronic disruptive behavior will result in a conference with the teacher, parent, and/or principal. Cell phones at school turned off and in lockers **Lockers are not locked; bring cell phones at your own risk.

4 Classroom Expectations L Listen to instructions and others E Enter and Exit prepared A Always try your best R Respect yourself and others N No excuses! Take responsibility for your actions.

5 English Language Arts (ELA) McGraw-Hill Wonders Genre StudiesWriting Comprehension Grammar Vocabulary Spelling Phonics/Word Study Whole/Small Group

6 English Language Arts (ELA) Argument Book Review Research Genre Writing Narrative Explanatory Formal Letter Poetry

7 Social Studies Ancient Civilizations Egypt China Mesopotamia Greece Rome Medieval Europe Primary/Secondary Sources Maps

8 Science eScience3000 (Sixth - Eighth Grade) Designed to meet state standards, STEM objectives, and Next Generation Science Standards Web-based program Reinforces key literacy skills Five levels of text complexity Five step process: Think > Read > Investigate > Review > Apply

9 Science eScience3000 Sixth Grade Units of Study Physical & Earth Science (Earth’s History, The Water Planet, Natural Resources) Life Science & Earth Science (Ecosystems: Interactions & Human Impact; History of Life on Earth) Earth & Space Science (Weather and Climate)

10 Math Envision Math Broken up into Topics Differentiated activities to complement lessons/instruction Flexible Grouping

11 Math Accelerated Math (Seventh Grade) Glencoe McGraw Hill Pre-Algebra Investigating concepts and building conceptual understanding Developing, reinforcing, and mastering computational and procedural skills Applying mathematics to problem-solving situations.

12 Technology 1:1 Computing with Chromebooks Google Classroom Google Drive (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Draw, Forms) Students will be able to access their Google accounts from ANY device whether it be here or at home. :-) **Students need to make sure they charge their devices each evening.**

13 Assessments Chapter and Unit Tests Quizzes and Quick Checks Projects In-School Assignments Continuous Observations Mrs. Short’s “Re-Do” Policy Parent/Teacher Conferences November: Parents are encouraged to attend March: Student- Lead/Optional

14 District Assessments NWEA Individualized Chromebooks Reading and Math Scores used for placement ELA McGraw-Hill Wonders Unit Assessments Reading and Writing PARCC ●Chromebooks

15 Snacks/Birthday District approved snack list (see district website) Non-Edible birthday treats

16 Thank you for coming! Remember to sign up for conferences. Please leave a current email address so that I can ensure that you receive any reminders I may send out. Thank you for your support in making this a fulfilling year for your child.

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