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M S. B OSTON 7 TH G RADE S CIENCE B -13 Curriculum Night.

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Presentation on theme: "M S. B OSTON 7 TH G RADE S CIENCE B -13 Curriculum Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 M S. B OSTON 7 TH G RADE S CIENCE B -13 Curriculum Night

2 D AILY S UPPLIES …. These supplies are REQUIRED daily: LearnEd Notebook (must purchase) Science Interactive Notebooks (SIN) Clear Tape Colored Pencil Highlighters Pen/Pencils ** USB/Flash-drive are recommended for some assignments

3 C OURSE O VERVIEW …. In seventh grade science, we will study fundamental concepts in the following topics: Earth’s Atmosphere Human Body Cells and Genetics Forces and Motion

4 A SSESSMENTS …. Students will be given several types of assessments to measure a students comprehension of content and reading text through: Projects Test Quizzes Class Participation

5 D AILY R EQUIREMENTS Students are to come to their assigned seat with daily supplies. Students are to write down every class period: ~ Objective ~ Homework ~ Warm up If there is a homework assignment, homework is due the 1 st minute of class. Homework is to be turned in to the appropriate tray.

6 E XPECTATIONS Students are to complete all assignments to the best of their ability. All materials are to be brought daily Students are to write down their homework/assignments daily Students are to check WIKI daily for announcements Parents are to check Parent Assist Weekly Students are to review nightly notes from class (use LearnEd and Wiki for PowerPoints)

7 G RADING P OLICY Students will be assessed on their performance in class and at home. Grades will be given appropriately with 100%Effort Points will be deducted when any assignment is not completed and handed in ON TIME!! Students will be given a grade of Zero if NO Work is turned in and given credit with the appropriate points after received. i.e. If a child is absent, then he/she will be given 5 days to retrieve work from Boston Bunker and handed in for credit. If no work is turned in a grade of Zero will be given until assignment received. If a student does not complete the homework assignment, they will fill out a Homework Sheet and turn in. It is then, their responsibility to complete the assignment and turn into the Late Homework Bin for reduced credit. ** I penalize for Late Work, unless absent the day assignment is due!!

8 C OMMUNICATION I am available for all types of communication. Email: Wiki: Students PowerPoint : Click student Click State (NC) Click 7 th Grade Type In Password: cells07 Remind: Text to @675074 to (704) 271-9536 I will send out messages to you about assignments as needed. You might receive messages 3-4 times a week!

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