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Circinate balanitis as the presenting symptom of sexually- acquired reactive arthritis: a case report by Robert Carney, Thajunnisha Buhary, Lee-Suan Teh,

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Presentation on theme: "Circinate balanitis as the presenting symptom of sexually- acquired reactive arthritis: a case report by Robert Carney, Thajunnisha Buhary, Lee-Suan Teh,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Circinate balanitis as the presenting symptom of sexually- acquired reactive arthritis: a case report by Robert Carney, Thajunnisha Buhary, Lee-Suan Teh, and Sedki Gayed BJGP Volume 65(634):266-267 April 27, 2015 ©2015 by British Journal of General Practice

2 Circinate balanitis image showing circumferential coalescing lesions with inflammation and erythema. Robert Carney et al. Br J Gen Pract 2015;65:266-267 ©2015 by British Journal of General Practice

3 Chronic inflammatory dermal and neutrophilic infiltrate of the epidermis with microabscess formation. Robert Carney et al. Br J Gen Pract 2015;65:266-267 ©2015 by British Journal of General Practice

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