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Personal & Family Influence on Consumer Behavior

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1 Personal & Family Influence on Consumer Behavior
Marketing 547 Personal & Family Influence on Consumer Behavior

2 Reference Groups Definition -- A group or person that serves as a point of comparison for an individual which serves as a guide in formulating values Types of Reference Groups Normative & Comparative Aspirational & Contractual Disclaimant & Avoidance

3 Reference Groups Reference Group Influence on Consumption Conformity
Norms Influence Informational Normative Identification

4 Reference Groups Reference Group Influence on Consumption
Determinants of Reference Group Influence Usage Visibility Group Commitment Relevance of Behavior to the Group Consumer Confidence

5 The Family & CB Definition of Family Family versus Household
Two or more persons related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption, who reside together Family versus Household Mom, Dad & Kids Roommates The Nuclear Family (and reality) Divorces (second marriage divorce rates are higher than first) “Single by Choice” Extended Families

6 The Family & CB Family Decision Making Info Influencers Gatherers
Decision Makers Purchasers Consumers

7 The Family & CB Information Gatherers Influencers Decision Makers
Those with a problem – notify family of needs/wants Influencers Those with specific needs – different than family may have as a unit Decision Makers Person with the authority to choose an alternative Purchasers Person who actually buys the product (at the store) User Person who actually uses the product

8 The Family & CB Implications of Family Decision Making
Many differing individuals are involved Individuals may play differing roles – know who they are for your product Implications for Promotion Different elements targeted at different roles Multi-pronged effort is likely required

9 The Family & CB The Family Life-Cycle (FLC)
Joint Decision Making Strategies Autonomic Syncratic The Family Life-Cycle (FLC) Definition -- classification scheme based on the assumption that families pass through an orderly progression of stages, each having unique characteristics financial situations and purchasing patterns

10 The Family Life-Cycle (FLC)
FLC Stages Young Singles Young Marrieds Full Nest I Single Parent I Middle-Aged Singles Empty Nest I Full Nest II Single Parent II Empty Nest II Survivors

11 To Which FLC Segment is this Ad Targeted?

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