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Prep for Quiz 1,2,3 Sept 7, 2007. Organ Systems Table 1.1.

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1 Prep for Quiz 1,2,3 Sept 7, 2007

2 Organ Systems Table 1.1

3 A Simplified Body Plan Figure 1.4

4 Body Fluids and Compartments Figure 1.5a–c

5 Body Fluids and Compartments Figure 1.5c–e

6 Body Fluid Compartments –Internal environment = fluid surrounding cells = extracellular fluid (ECF) –70 kg man - Total body water = 42 liters –28 liters intracellular fluid (ICF) –14 liters extracellular fluid (ECF) -Three liters plasma -11 liters interstitial fluid (ISF)

7 Homeostasis –Ability to maintain a relatively constant internal environment –Conditions of the internal environment which are regulated include Temperature Volume Composition

8 Figure 7.8a Resting Potential: Neuron –Chemical driving forces K + out Na + in

9 Figure 7.8b Resting Potential: Neuron –Membrane more permeable to K + –More K + leaves cell than Na + enters –Inside of cell becomes negative

10 Figure 7.8c Resting Potential: Neuron –Electrical forces develop Na + into cell K + into cell –Due to electrical forces K + outflow slows Na + inflow speeds

11 Figure 7.8d Resting Potential: Neuron –Steady state develops Inflow of Na + is balanced by outflow of K + –Resting membrane potential = -70mV

12 Figure 7.8e Resting Potential: Neuron –Sodium pump maintains the resting potential

13 +60 mV E Na -94 mVEKEK -70 mVResting Vm Resting Membrane Potential The resting membrane potential is closer to the potassium equilibrium potential

14 Forces Acting on Ions –If membrane potential is not at equilibrium for an ion, then the Electrochemical force is not 0 Net force acts to move ion across membrane in the direction that favors its being at equilibrium Strength of the net force increases the further away the membrane potential is from the equilibrium potential

15 Resting Potential: Forces on K+ –Resting potential = -70mV –E K = -94mV –Vm is 24mV less negative than E K Electrical force is into cell (lower) Chemical force is out of cell (higher) Net force is weak: K + out of cell, but membrane is highly permeable to K +

16 Resting Potential: Forces on Na+ –Resting potential = -70mV –E Na = +60mV –Vm is 130mV less negative than E Na Electrical force is into cell Chemical force is also into cell Net force is strong: Na + into cell, but membrane has low permeability to Na +

17 Figure 7.8e A Neuron at Rest –Small Na + leak at rest (high force, low permeability) –Small K + leak at rest (low force, high permeability) –Sodium pump returns Na + and K + to maintain gradients

18 Graded Potentials –Spread by electrotonic conduction –Are decremental Magnitude decays as it spreads Figure 7.11

19 Graded Potentials Can Sum –Temporal summation Same stimulus Repeated close together in time –Spatial summation Different stimuli Overlap in time

20 Temporal Summation Figure 7.12a–b

21 Spatial Summation Figure 7.12c

22 Summation: Cancelling Effects Figure 7.12d

23 Graded Versus Action Potentials Table 7.2

24 Phases of an Action Potential –Depolarization –Repolarization –After-hyperpolarization

25 Phases of an Action Potential Figure 7.13a

26 Sodium and Potassium Gating Figure 7.15 Delayed effect (1 msec) Open potassium channels Membrane sodium permeability Membrane sodium permeability Sodium flow into cell Sodium flow into cell Potassium flow out of cell Net positive charge in cell (depolarization) Net positive charge in cell (repolarization) Positive feedback Negative feedback Threshold stimulus Depolarization of membrane Open sodium channels Delayed effect (1 msec) Sodium channel inactivation gates close Membrane potassium permeability

27 Sodium and Potassium Gating Summary Table 7.3

28 Causes of Refractory Periods Figure 7.17a

29 Causes of Refractory Periods Figure 7.17b

30 Causes of Refractory Periods Figure 7.17c

31 Consequences of Refractory Periods –All-or-none principle –Frequency coding –Unidirectional propagation of action potentials

32 Conduction: Unmyelinated Figure 7.19

33 Factors Affecting Propagation –Refractory period Unidirectional –Axon diameter Larger –Less resistance, faster Smaller –More resistance, slower –Myelination Saltatory conduction Faster propagation

34 Conduction: Myelinated Fibers Figure 7.20

35 Conduction Velocity Comparisons Table 7.4

36 Fast Response EPSP Figure 8.4a

37 Slow Response EPSP Figure 8.4b

38 Inhibitory Synapses –Neurotransmitter binds to receptor –Channels for either K or Cl open –If K channels open K moves out  IPSP –If Cl channels open, either Cl moves in  IPSP Cl stabilizes membrane potential

39 IPSPs Are Graded Potentials Higher frequency of action potentials More neurotransmitter released More neurotransmitter binds to receptors to open (or close) channels Greater increase (or decrease) ion permeability Greater (or lesser) ion flux Greater hyperpolarization

40 Inhibitory Synapse: K + Channels Figure 8.5

41 Neural Integration The summing of input from various synapses at the axon hillock of the postsynaptic neuron to determine whether the neuron will generate action potentials

42 Temporal Summation Figure 8.8a–b

43 Spatial Summation Figure 8.8a, c

44 Frequency Coding –The degree of depolarization of axon hillock is signaled by the frequency of action potentials Summation affects depolarization Summation therefore influences frequency of action potentials

45 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) –Extracellular fluid of the CNS –Secreted by ependymal cells of the choroid plexus Circulates to subarachnoid space and ventricles Reabsorbed by arachnoid villi –Functions Cushions brain Maintains stable interstitial fluid environment

46 Figure 9.3c Cerebral Spinal Fluid

47 CSF Production –Total volume of CSF = 125–150 mL –Choroid plexus produces 400–500 mL/day –Recycled three times a day

48 Blood Supply to the CNS –CNS comprises 2% of body weight (3–4 pounds) Receives 15% of blood supply –High metabolic rate Brain uses 20% of oxygen consumed by body at rest Brain uses 50% of glucose consumed by body at rest –Depends on blood flow for energy

49 Blood-Brain Barrier –Capillaries Sites of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid –Blood-brain barrier Special anatomy of CNS capillaries which limit exchange

50 Blood-Brain Barrier Figure 9.4b

51 Reflex Arc Figure 9.18

52 Stretch Reflex Figure 9.19

53 Withdrawal and Crossed- Extensor Reflexes Figure 9.20

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