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ME450 Project. Gearbox Analysis  ME450 Finite Element Analysis  Fall Semester, 2007  Prof: Dr. K. Nematollahi  Team Members  Aaron Huesman  Jae.

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Presentation on theme: "ME450 Project. Gearbox Analysis  ME450 Finite Element Analysis  Fall Semester, 2007  Prof: Dr. K. Nematollahi  Team Members  Aaron Huesman  Jae."— Presentation transcript:

1 ME450 Project

2 Gearbox Analysis  ME450 Finite Element Analysis  Fall Semester, 2007  Prof: Dr. K. Nematollahi  Team Members  Aaron Huesman  Jae Shin  Kelly McCormick 12-10-2007

3 Objective Perform structural analysis of two competing designs of a machined aluminum gearbox casing.

4 Applicable Theory {F} = [T][K][T] -1 {U}

5 Introduction  Two competing designs  Webbed  Non-webbed  Previous choice based on ease of machining  Performing structural analysis to confirm choice

6 Non-Webbed

7 Webbed

8 Unigraphics Model

9 Forces

10 Ansys Model Details  Model reduced to simplest form  One half of casing used (symmetry)  Gears removed  Bearings simulated  Aluminum alloy material for case  Brass material for bearing volumes

11 Ansys Model Solid Cylinders Simulate Bearings Substitute Bearing Volumes

12 Boundary Conditions

13 Boundary Conditions Cont…

14 Element Type  Utilized ten-node SOLID92 tetrahedral elements  Ideal for complicated solids with curved boundaries

15 Meshing  Automatic meshing option

16 Analysis  Deformation study  Von-Mises Stress study Consistent boundary conditions and forces applied.

17 Deformation Distribution Non-Webbed Webbed Max: 5.17E-4 in.Max: 5.00E-4 in.

18 Stress Distribution Non-Webbed Webbed Max: 4633.8 psiMax: 3497.4 psi

19 Results  Non-Webbed 1. Max Deformation = 0.00051749 in 2. Max Stress = 4633.8 PSI 3. Mass = 0.854 lbm  Webbed 1. Max Deformation = 0.00050028 in 2. Max Stress = 3497.4 PSI 3. Mass = 0.878 lbm  %Change 1. Max Deformation = -3.3% 2. Max Stress = -24.5% 3. Mass = +2.7%

20 Impact Statement  Reduced chance of a failure 1. Reduces potential waste of material 2. Reduces potential environmental contamination 3. Reduces potential injuries (Robust design)

21 Conclusion  Webbed design is superior. 1. Less stress 2. Less deformation 3. Easier machining 4. Minimal change in weight

22 Bibliography [1] Moaveni, Saeed. “Finite Element Analysis” Theory and Application with Ansys – 3rd Addition, Pearson Education, Inc., Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, 2008.

23 Questions

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