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Webinar Title An Webinar Presenter: Your Name Here Your Email Here Day, date 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Infopeople webinars are supported by the U.S. Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar Title An Webinar Presenter: Your Name Here Your Email Here Day, date 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Infopeople webinars are supported by the U.S. Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar Title An Webinar Presenter: Your Name Here Your Email Here Day, date 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Infopeople webinars are supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

2 Agenda Topic one Topic two Topic three Topic four


4 Q&A At the end of the presentation of your content, you’ll address any questions that have come up during the 50 minutes. If you prefer, questions may also be answered during the presentation.

5 More Guidelines The remaining slides in this set of templates provide additional information about how to use PPT so that it works nicely with our webinar system If you have any questions about these guidelines, contact your Content Liaison

6 Use Title Box for Titles Text in Title Boxes become the index to your presentation once it is archived Title Boxes are different from Text Boxes Use the proper Slide Layout (under Format menu) for your slides to ensure you have a Title Box

7 Use 36-40pt in Titles (if possible) Use 32-36pt for first level heading  Use 32pt for next level Use 24-28pt for next level  This is too small (20pt)

8 Don’t Go Overboard with Graphics They take longer to download Some people may be viewing the webinar via modem!

9 Referring to URLs If you refer to a website or mention a URL, make sure to write the URL on a slide (or include it in a handout), and don’t include the http:// part.http:// Example:

10 How Many Slides? A typical one-hour webinar: 20-40 slides Guideline: one slide every two minutes Depends on presentation

11 Interactive Elements Enhance the viewer’s learning experience May include polls, surveys, games Linking to and demonstrating websites, databases, etc., is easy in WebEx

12 Thank You! Your name Contact information (Your Last Slide)

13 Your Next Step As soon as you have a working draft of your slides, send them to Content Liaison The Content Liaison will give you some feedback and perhaps suggest changes Final slides and handouts must be submitted to Content Liaison no later 14 days before your webinar date

14 What Happens Next? You will work with your Infopeople Content Liaison to finalize all your slides and handouts Once your material is ready, we’ll upload the material to the webinar announcement page, so people can get the material at least a week before the webinar We also need to load your slides into WebEx for the webinar

15 Questions? Content Liaison Stanley Strauss  (909) 626-3539 

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