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This work is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) collaboration between the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and Geosciences.

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Presentation on theme: "This work is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) collaboration between the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and Geosciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 This work is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) collaboration between the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and Geosciences (GEO) under grant DUE - 1125331 Designing and Aligning Assessments David Steer The University of Akron InTeGrate Assessment Team Leader

2 Webinar goals Know what we mean by “summative assessment” in the context of InTeGrate Design an aligned summative assessment strategy by … – deconstructing a goal into critical elements – linking critical elements to cognitive levels – matching elements to summative assessments – selecting appropriate type of scoring rubric

3 Types of Assessment Diagnostic – Purpose to determine current state of learning (Pre- tests/surveys/self assessments) Formative – Purpose to monitor student learning – Immediate feedback – Low Stakes Summative – Purpose to evaluate learning Measured against a benchmark or standard High stakes (graded) Appropriate for cognitive level

4 Why Summative Assessments Measure progress toward meeting course/unit goals: Linked to InTeGrate Guiding Principles – Higher Level Blooms – Administered at end of course/unit – Used by all developers testing curriculum – Have grading (and student) rubrics – Can have multiple components Student responses from these assessments will be provided to InTeGrate to document learning

5 InTeGrate Guiding Principles Connect geoscience to grand challenges facing society Develop students' ability to address interdisciplinary problems Improve student understanding of the nature and methods of geoscience and developing geo-scientific habits of mind Make use of authentic and credible geoscience data Foster systems thinking

6 Designing Summative Assessments Consider the goal being assessed – What are the critical elements of that goal? Probably linked to your learning objectives The handout shows a data-related goal from your curriculum. Find your goal. If your group has not developed goals, select one related to your curriculum. List the critical elements students should know and be able to do that are related to that goal. Type the first item on your list in the chat box

7 Designing Summative Assessments Consider the goal being assessed – What constitutes learning for each element? Based on cognitive levels addressed Analyze the last five elements we just wrote down. List the level of Bloom’s addressed by those elements. Now do the same with your own list

8 Designing Summative Assessments Consider the goal being assessed – How is each element best assessed? Essays Lab Report Writing Assignment Project or Performance Concept Map Exam question(s) See examples here: Let’s analyze the highest-level Blooms element on our list. How might we assess that element? Make your own list. Type the first item on your list in the chat box

9 Designing Summative Assessments Consider the goal being assessed – Develop rubrics Holistic: set of descriptions used to assign a score to the whole Analytic: Set of components that are independently evaluated (sum for score) See examples at: Consider the assessment you just chose. What type of rubric is most appropriate and how would you assign scores?

10 This work is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) collaboration between the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and Geosciences (GEO) under grant DUE - 1125331 Designing and Aligning Assessments We have time for discussion and/or questions

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