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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cite descriptions from the text that establish a relationship between Jason and the Hangman Initiate and participate in a collaborative.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cite descriptions from the text that establish a relationship between Jason and the Hangman Initiate and participate in a collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cite descriptions from the text that establish a relationship between Jason and the Hangman Initiate and participate in a collaborative discussion about how an author uses language Define words in as they are used in context Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing an expanded sentence PIVOTAL QUESTIONS How does Mitchell use personification to help us understand how Jason feels about his stammer? How does Mitchell use tone? What is the cumulative impact of Mitchell's specific word choices on meaning and tone in this excerpt? AIM: How does David Mitchell use figurative language to develop Jason’s relationship with Hangman? DO NOW: Based on what you know about Jason, do you think he overcomes his stammering?

2 Expanding Sentences: The Five W’s WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY?

3 A sentence is …?  a series of words that explore one idea.  It usually has a subject, an object and a verb (e.g. The dog bit the cat – dog is the subject, bit is the verb, cat is the object).

4 The dog bit the cat…subject- verb - object

5 Short example §“Mrs. Naboz went fishing. ” §This is short & its meaning is clear. §It has a “who” and a “doing what.” §BUT CAN IT BE BETTER?

6 This is a simple sentence : Mrs. Naboz went fishing. EXPAND it by answering…WHEN? Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing.

7 This sentence describes who, what, and when: Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing. EXPAND it by answering…WHERE? Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing at Lake Wallenpau.

8 This sentence answers who, what, when, and where : Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing at Lake Wallenpau. §EXPAND it by answering…WHY? §Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing at Lake Wallenpau because she wanted to catch a big catfish!

9 When writing sentences, think about using the 5 w’s! §WHO? Mrs. Naboz §WHAT? went fishing §WHEN? last August §WHERE? at Lake Wallenpau §WHY? to catch a big catfish §A SASSY SENTENCE: l Last August, Mrs. Naboz went fishing at Lake Wallenpau because she wanted to catch a big catfish!

10 Please don’t go on vacation!!!

11 Making simple sentences longer. - The dog sat in the suitcase. §The tired dog sat in the suitcase. §The dog, which was anxious and worried, sat in the suitcase. §The tired dog, which was anxious and worried, sat in the suitcase in front of the old closet. §In these examples, the sentence has been extended by adding details to the sentence. §The 5 w’s will help you write better sentences. §Think: who, what, when, where, why.

12 Using the story “Hangman” try to use at least 3 of the 5 W’s to expand this simple sentence. Who, What, When, Where, Why §He is ashamed. l Who (is ashamed)? l What (is he ashamed of)? l Why (is he ashamed)?

13 He is ashamed. §Jason is ashamed of his stammer because he thinks it is embarrassing. §Jason is ashamed of his stammer because people make fun of him. §Jason is ashamed of his stammer because it prevents him from speaking properly.

14 Jason describes. §What? _________________________ §How? _________________________ §Jason describes his stammer by calling it Hangman. §Jason describes Hangman as something evil.

15 AIM: How can we use sentence expansion to help us answer a difficult question? §DO NOW: Based on yesterday’s lesson, what is the purpose of using Sentence Expansion?

16 Let’s practice one more time! §Kernel: He personifies. §Who (personifies)? §What (does he personify)? §How (does he personify it)?

17 Kernel: He personifies. §Who? Jason §What? his stammer §How? by saying it has fingers that squeeze his windpipe §Expanded Sentence: Jason personifies his stammer by saying it has fingers that squeeze his windpipe.

18 Now take your Blackout Art sheets from your folders §Let’s read the bottom together. §Explain how David Mitchell uses figurative language to develop Jason’s relationship with the hangman by expanding the kernel below. §Kernel: He develops it.

19 Kernel: He develops it. § Who? …………………….……… §What?……………………………. §How? …………………………….

20 Example Extended Sentences §David Mitchell develops Jason’s relationship with Hangman by using violent descriptions. §David Mitchell develops Jason and Hangman’s relationship by using personification to give Hangman human features. §David Mitchell develops Jason’s relationship with Hangman by using tone to describe Jason’s feelings about it.

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