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What is Science? 自然科學的教與學 — 從「科學故事」出發 1. Common view on science: Science is about: knowledge and facts with little reference to supporting evidence 2.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Science? 自然科學的教與學 — 從「科學故事」出發 1. Common view on science: Science is about: knowledge and facts with little reference to supporting evidence 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Science? 自然科學的教與學 — 從「科學故事」出發 1

2 Common view on science: Science is about: knowledge and facts with little reference to supporting evidence 2

3 3

4 Scientific literacy Scientific knowledge nature of scientific knowledge methods of science Nature of Science 4

5 Historical development of scientific ideas Should focus on creative construction of ideas evaluation of evidence 5

6 6

7 Charles Kuen Kao 高錕 Born in Shanghai (1933) Moved to Hong Kong (1948) St Joseph’s College Woolwich Polytechnic (London) London University (1965) Standard Telephones & Cables (UK) and IT&T (USA) CUHK (1970-74; 1987-96) Nobel Prize (2009) 7

8 Total internal reflection Total internal reflection (S3 IS) 8

9 R eplace copper wire with optical fibre for telecommunication 1966 Charles Kao & George Hockham At the Institute of Electrical Engineers: R eplace copper wire with optical fibre for telecommunication lighter cheaper less loss faster 9

10 Light signals can only travel for a few metres in optical fibre Science vs Technology Use silica (SiO 2 ) to make optical fibre 10

11 A dream comes true: 11

12 Read to Learn 12

13 NOS involved: How was the idea generated? How to test the idea? The human nature of a scientist 13

14 14

15 Alexander Bell – inventing the telephone Air vibration (sound) Vibration of a diaphragmChanging the resistance of a circuit Vibration of a metal foil to produce sound 15

16 16

17 Marconi – transmitting wireless signals The Titanic disaster (1912) - rescued by Carpathia (93 km away) 706 of total 2223 passengers saved 17

18 Generation of an idea: Maxwell (1864) – electromagnetic waves Hertz (1888) – generated radio waves 18

19 Marconi (1895) - using radio waves to transmit electrical signals Success through repeated trials Seeking financial support (1901) Marconi sent a signal from England across the Atlantic to North America over 2100 miles. 19

20 Health & Diseases Childbed feverSe mmelweis (1846) 20

21 21

22 Key steps of scientific method 1. Make observations & ask questions 2. Put forward a hypothesis 3. Collect evidence – by experiments or other means 4. Analyse results & draw conclusions 22

23 Other examples from Health & Diseases and Public Health Microbes and disease The control of smallpox Marshall & control of peptic ulcer A case study of the spread of SARS in Hong Kong Liberal Studies – using scientific inquiry to understand health and diseases 23

24 To go through the thinking process of our great scientists To experience the joy and excitement in discovery To inspire our students to develop an inquisitive attitude and investigative approach in the study of science To dream the impossible dream 24

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