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A week in the life of……..! Alison MacLean Senior Infection Prevention & Control Nurse NHS Highland.

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Presentation on theme: "A week in the life of……..! Alison MacLean Senior Infection Prevention & Control Nurse NHS Highland."— Presentation transcript:

1 A week in the life of……..! Alison MacLean Senior Infection Prevention & Control Nurse NHS Highland

2 Annus horribilis 2012

3 January outbreak of Clostridium difficile – 6 patients in a surgical ward March outbreak of Clostridium difficile – 3 patients in the oncology ward June-Unannounced HEI visit – 9 requirements – 2 recommendations

4 Exemplar ward Concept of an exemplar ward suggested by Lead Nurse, Una Lyons. Ensure all process where correct Ward 4C, surgical ward was identified Action plan created

5 Ivory Tower Stephen R Covey, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, Habit 5 – Seek first to understand, then to be understood! Out of my ivory tower and back to the shop floor!!!

6 Day 1-Domestic Assistant Hardest days work I’ve ever done! Resulted in a review of when was the most appropriate time for the clinical areas to be cleaned. Fewer staff available at the weekends and evenings. Single DSR per floor-time spent looking for keys Became invisible

7 Day 2-Domestic Supervisor Suggested use of inventory for DSR to reduce amount of time spent fetching stock Increased awareness of environmental monitoring tool Issues with bodily fluids!

8 Day 3-Nursing Auxiliary How easy is it to do the right thing? Use of PPE, hand hygiene and appropriate disposal. Reinstated clinical waste bins in multi bed bays. Housekeepers appointed.

9 Day 4-Staff Nurse Aligned IP&CN to each division Induction process for new staff. Testing use of booklet/checklist Ward environment Team members Documentation Training requirements

10 Conclusion Ward have continued to progress-currently doing SICPs compliance measurement. No evidence of spread of infection. HEI unannounced revisit in November – 1 requirement – 2 recommendations

11 Cleanliness Champions Programme Good basic foundation Opportunity to reflect on current practice Improve processes

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