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Important Terms: eukaryotic cell: cells that contain nuclei and more complex organelles Ex: nerve cells; amoeba prokaryotic cells: cells that lack a nucleus.

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Presentation on theme: "Important Terms: eukaryotic cell: cells that contain nuclei and more complex organelles Ex: nerve cells; amoeba prokaryotic cells: cells that lack a nucleus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Important Terms: eukaryotic cell: cells that contain nuclei and more complex organelles Ex: nerve cells; amoeba prokaryotic cells: cells that lack a nucleus such as bacteria; earliest cells organelles: “little organs” that help cells to function

2 Cell Membrane Outer boundary of cell Protects the cell semi-permeable; allows only certain materials to pass in and out of the cell

3 Cytoplasm Clear fluid within cell that contains all organelles

4 The Nucleus Controls all cell activities; “control center” of the cell Contains all genetic information in the form of DNA.

5 Nuclear Membrane or Nuclear Envelope contains pores that allow only certain materials to pass in and out surrounds and protects nucleus

6 The Nucleolus The name means “little nucleus” located inside the nucleus makes ribosomes which are needed for creating proteins

7 Chromatin stringy, uncoiled form of chromosomes found in nucleus contain DNA

8 Chromosomes condensed form of chromatin contains DNA tightly coiled located in nucleus visible during nuclear division (mitosis)

9 Mitochondria Energy producers; site of cellular respiration which creates energy (ATP) “Powerhouse” of the cell has its own membrane

10 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Series of folded membranes that act as roads throughout the cell molecules are transported along the RER RER has its name due to the ribosomes attached

11 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum “SER” stores chemicals and enzymes also acts as a roadway connecting cell parts

12 Ribosomes Site of protein synthesis May be free in cytoplasm or attached to RER; very small organelles Proteins are vital to life- all cells must produce them

13 Golgi Bodies (Complex or Apparatus) Saclike membranes used for storing, packaging, and shipping of chemicals and other molecules to areas of the cell where they are needed - or- out of the cell “Post Office” of the cell

14 Lysosomes “Clean-up Crew” of the cell Contain digestive enzymes to digest unwanted particles (dead cell parts or bacteria) aka “Suicide Sacks” may digest entire cell if it is sickly

15 Vacuoles Store food, water, or waste materials Plant cells have large, central vacuoles for storing water; lack of water = wilting

16 Cytoskeleton cellular "scaffolding" or "skeleton" contained within the cytoplasm It is a structure that maintains cell shape, protects the cell, & enables cellular motion

17 Microtubules part of cytoskeleton used in structure, movement, and cell division

18 Cilia In unicellular organisms, these small, hair-like particles that aid in the movement. (made of microtubules) In multicellular organisms, the extensions of the membrane help to move materials Ex: eggs in the fallopian tubes

19 Flagella long, whip-like organelle used for movement most cells have one flagellum, but some may have 2 or more flagella made of microtubules

20 Centrioles cluster of microtubules help in cell division usually only found within animal cells

21 Microfilaments Microfilaments are fine, thread-like protein fibers smaller than microtubules responsible for muscle contraction can also carry out cellular movements

22 Cell Wall Only found in plant cells Adds protection and support Made of cellulose. Allows water and dissolved substances to pass through.

23 Chloroplasts Only found in plants cells Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll Site of photosynthesis

24 Leucoplasts plastids that store starch found only in plants (energy storage) clear in color

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